If anyone reads Latin, These are uncharacteristic waters. So I used roll20 to fail succeed in glorious victory (Yea that’s it!) this Saturday to DM a Hc Svn Dracones game. A great deal of what I wanted to do was not limited by what I could do, and more by what I know how to do and had time to do. Roll20 is a fun app, but there's a logistic problem: Roll20 is only vaguely setup to run HSD. To make it run right, there's work that needs to be done. My first limitation is that there are uncharted waters, and I only have <x> time to get <y> ready every week. I'd love to know where to find other active DMs for HSD and trade ... tools of the trade with them. Is there anyway to seek out DMs, and not just players? My second to -be honest- is that while I'm thoroughly impressed Roll20 has a API, and
not opposed to porting my not trivial skills with C++ to Java to just
volunteering code or templates? (Have I said I do open-source work just
for grins?) There's no real intensive for a HSD DM to pay the $10 or $20
a month to access non-existent material support, and I'd be paying a
monthly subscription for the privilege to spend my time to do work for
someone else on top of the work to just run the game . I'm not above just doing charity, or even kicking something over to maintaining the data-base for me. I am "above" paying for the privilege to do charity. Sorry, that's not exactly a nice and polite thing to say, but there it is.