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Heroclix - is it possible?

What im trying to determine if it is possible to make a token that could represent a Heroclix dial. Something that you could use as a generic blank ( single base figures have 12 clicks, each with 4 distinct changing values). I would want it to be able to go into the Journal of the token, and fill out each click, and have something on the token itself allowing to move back and forth between the various sets of values. Each of the 4 values also has a variable color assigned to it, to represent the powers that are usable in that slot at that time. Is this even remotely possible at the current stage of roll20 to emulate?
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
My first thought is rollable tables. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... The tables can be used as tokens and thus have associated character journals. But I'm only Novice level with tables, but someone else should be able to add on to this idea!
I just made tokens and put the clix's dial in handouts. You mark with a dot and 1 on the token to represent the dial the character is on. Not fancy but works.
I want to actually be able to see the values (and powers by color) on the token in some way. Having to keep referring to a handout, then recall which click its on, etc.. just too tedious
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
You might be able to get an API script made that could do what you want but that is a Mentor subscription feature. At your account level, the rollable table would probably be the best shot but you will be putting alot of work in at the start. If I understand the rollable tables you would need to create a token for each of those clicks then link each of those tokens to each corresponding entries. This would allow you to choose the appropriate click with all the the represented info needed. I could be wrong as I don't use rollable tables much (just a few times) so if someone more experienced with them wants to speak up, go for it.
im willing to go mentor level if thats what it would take.

Edited 1422318762
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I would then recommend making a post in the API forum about what you need the script to do and ask if it is possible. There are many API script writers that will respond if you ask politely and there are some that might show you how to do it yourself if you are not familar with javascripting.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
I'm hoping a rollable tables Expert will stop by. I have the feeling this SHOULD be possible, using rollable tables as tokens. You can change which picture is showing on the token, which covers the whole colors/numbers/whatever aspect, you can use the bars to hold the numerical dial-number for use with various macros... I know it can be done, I just can't begin to articulate any better how to do it.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I know it can be done Genkitty but I don't know of any simple way that doesn't require alot of prep work (12 clicks with each click having 4 values equals to 48 settings) and there is also the changing colors depending on the value per click. Unless I'm missing shortcuts (in my memory) that is 48 individual entries at a minimum per heroclix figure. It is doable just not very productive. I personally think the power cards would work the best but that is API and requires a mentor level but a custom script could be written also which is why I suggested the post in the API forum to start the discussion about what could or could not be done.
The Aaron
API Scripter
I replied on the request in API. Totally doable, but almost as much work as the Rollable table. The Rollable Table is actually a pretty great way to go, even for the API. It solves several problems with the API route (having two tokens, needing the wheel token to be larger than the character token, stacking depth, etc.) The only really nice thing about the Purely API method I mentioned is you get the feeling of rotating the wheel. =D For each model, you would create the character token with the window to the stats (Pat, the colors are on the wheel, so there really are only a maximum if 12 possible states). You then either create the wheel, or just create 12 copies of what would show in the window. With the wheel, you'd use GIMP or similar and export a PNG of the token with each of the 12 possible rotations to end up with your twelve state tokens. With the 12 copies, it's almost the same. Once you have your 12 tokens, you'd create a Rollable table with the tokens for each of the stages in the right order. Then you just click the Token button and assign it to a character. When needed, you right click and choose side, and the window will be updated with the right stats. Add the API to that, and you could encode the stat info in the Table Item name and parse it out if you want to update some attributes when the side is changed. Bam, done. =D

Edited 1422376496
Marketplace Creator
Edit: Somehow I missed Aaron's post and just repeated half of what he said. I'm unfamiliar with playing heroclix (though some of the models are cool) so I went and looked it up for a basic How-To play. Am I right in thinking that although there are 4 values, they all change at once (across the 12 clicks)? So basically you click a couple of times and speed, attack, defence and damage all change together (not as individual clicks)? If so then yes, yes you can do this. But it'll take a lot of prep. Make a token for the character or whathaveyou. Make a wheel token for each of the 12 click states. I'd be making these things pretty big, maybe 490 pixels or so. Overlay the token on each of the wheels, and merge the layers so you have 12 of the character with a wheel for each state (it looks like some of them may take less work than this, and once you have a template it should be faster to make these things up). In Roll20 create a table (probably call it the name of the heroclix figure) and assign each of the 12 tokens you've made to the table. Call them 1, 2, 3 or whatever makes sense for Heroclix. That's it. When you use that token on the map and it's tied to the table you ought to be able to select what click it goes to. A lot of work for each figure but perfectly do-able. If you set up multiple campaigns though, definitely get Mentor level support, as the Transmogrifier will save your sanity. Let me know if you want a hand with making up a wheel as a kind of proof of concept.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Great minds and all. =D
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Ah. So it shows the 4 values at one time per click. I thought it was 1 value per click.
Correct. So all 4 values change at the same time