A campaign wide option, like 3d dice, for real-time cursors for all players, based on player color, would make interactions easier and more empathetic. I first saw real-time cursors in relation to a tabletop was in the free game Desperate Gods, and it helps so much when a player can actually say "this" or "these" while gesturing with their cursor. Other games like Tabletop Simulator use real-time cursors too.
Edit: I realized after posting this that my group has been crudely using the measure tool to simulate cursors for a while, and it's necessity even while as clunky as switching tools makes the need all the more apparent.
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Edit: I realized after posting this that my group has been crudely using the measure tool to simulate cursors for a while, and it's necessity even while as clunky as switching tools makes the need all the more apparent.
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Gold said:Not exactly what I meant, but this even better.
Roger, I think David means, effectively, "Improve the Ping" so that you can gesture with it, make it faster, and perhaps he'd like Roll20 to spread-the-knowledge that it exists (mouse-click and hold) making it more obvious and well known.
I don't think he means your cursor or DM's mouse cursor would be continuously visible when unwanted. He's asking more for a hotkey, tool, or other method of Clicking-choosing-pointing and having your cursor point intentionally appear when using such a Tool.