I'm DM a cool game called Hc Svnt Dracones. I have a roll that has four token specific variables, and one query. Why? HSD is awesome, I like playing it, and the game is just that flexable. :P Logically it looks like this: (Variable1 + Variable2)dVariable3 + Variable4 > (8 + Query1) The actual roll command looks like this: /roll [[@{selected|Body:Acuity}+@{selected|RC RoF}]]d@{selected|Mind Dice}s+@{selected|Ranged Combat}>[[8+?{cover|0}]] If I attempt to use that roll in a emote by nesting inline functions like so: /me @{selected|token_name} fires at @{target|Target|token_name} [[[[@{selected|Body:Acuity}+@{selected|RC RoF}]]d@{selected|Mind Dice}s+@{selected|Ranged Combat}>[[8+?{cover|0}]]]] Nothing happens, and the target GUI stays open. Roll20 just silently errors. Is this a built in limitation, or another issue of stretching roll20 beyond it's macro design limits? (No offense, the macro system is awesome; However, there's a limit to how flexible it know how to be.)