I've been playing End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse lately. In trying to adapt it to R20, it's not hard at all. I am more interested in streamlining the process of the roll mechanic where you roll a Positive and Negative pool of dice, and any dice of one pool that matches the number on a die in the other pool cancel each other out. Per example:
P: 6, 3, 2, 4
N: 3, 5, 1
The two 3s cancel, and everything else remains. Then you count up the leftover Negative dice, and check how many of the Positive dice came in under your target number.
I took an online class on C# like 4-5 years ago, and it was very basic, so I have no idea how to tackle this from a programming perspective. I was hoping I could find someone(s) to help turn this into an API to support this series of books. Thank you.
P: 6, 3, 2, 4
N: 3, 5, 1
The two 3s cancel, and everything else remains. Then you count up the leftover Negative dice, and check how many of the Positive dice came in under your target number.
I took an online class on C# like 4-5 years ago, and it was very basic, so I have no idea how to tackle this from a programming perspective. I was hoping I could find someone(s) to help turn this into an API to support this series of books. Thank you.