Hello, On Thursday night (21h00 GMT+1 time), one of my players has encountered a problem entering my campaign. He couldn't go past the loading page. He cleaning his chrome cache. Disabled his firewall/antivirus. Rebooted his PC. Nothing would work. He has the same ISP as me and several other players in the campaign. He finally could join us by using firefox (after encountering the same problem for several minutes) instead of chrome (he is not using chrome for something else than Roll20, has no plugin for chrome and has the latest version). It took him nearly 15 minutes to connect. On Wednesday, the same player connected to the same campaign without problem with chrome. We were playing on the dev server for the first time, but this player has encountered the problem on the production server on several occasions (which were resolved by hitting reload, clearing the cache and sometimes just trying to reconnect without doing anything special. I had the same problem on several occasions on several computers which were working just hours/minutes ago (without firebase or roll20 server problem signalled on this day). Repeatedly Hitting reload, correct the problem for me. On a side note, on Thursday night, another player was regularly (more than 10 times) disconnected and reconnected. Luckily He hadn't any problem to reconnect.