I really don't know how possible this request is likely to be with how playing cards actually work and what the API can call but it would be really neat if we could perhaps monitor the name of the card played to make it roll from the character sheet as it plays. My use case is that my player's spellbooks are getting increasingly big and clunky to manage in the Pathfinder sheet as they level and gain more spells so I am moving to card decks as a way of managing which spells they have memorised each day. As they cast it they play the card so it is easy to tell at a glance what they have left to work with. The problem is that if the spell has a roll component they still tend to go to the macro from the sheet to handle the rolls/get the full spell description. I would love if the act of putting the magic missile card on the table also rolls the magic missile macro to show damage etc. Possible or pipe dream?