ATTENTION NEW PLAYERS, READ THIS: Kelrath and Lydia are now level 3 and possesses 4,279xp total each. Cain is now level 3 and possesses 3,279xp . Ignore all other xp numbers listed for this adventure (but keep the gold). This is because players may only level once per adventure, and there was a bunch of extra xp you earned for the first adventure that you couldn't keep because it brought you to the limit of level 2 (1xp away from level 3). I did the calculations for you. The second adventure of the session brought you into level 3. Total gold and XP earned this session was: 31,300gp and 47,832xp. Each player receives: 3,130gp and 4,784xp Each companion receives any amount of XP you wish to share with them, but a half share of your gold (except Kuroba). No mercenaries, henchmen, or hirelings were used this adventure; so no adjustments are needed. All Clerics that hold a position of responsibility in a Temple or Cult (This applies to Ramkus only) must tithe 10% of their earned treasure to the Temple. ******************************************************************************************** Participating Players: Ramkus/Rich (Cleric?), Curtis/John (Mage), Emery/Blaze (Thief), Kelrath/Don (Fighter), Caine/Robert (Cleric), Lydia/Cpt. Blackheart (Fighter), Brody/Fred (Fighter), Lorielle/James (Mage) Marcus/Chris (Fighter), Malifoi/Norm (Mage)- 10 Players Kuroba - 1 NPC Obtained 6 Smallish Amber Gems(250g each) Killed four 6+3 HD*** Purple Troll & their sand pit Killed one 8+3 HD*** Three-Headed Troll Survived encounter with Lord Virez and his two stygian guards. Obtained 5 gems(5000g each), Evil Staff(4000g) Turned two Wights Killed one 7HD** Wyvern Obtained 8000 Silver, 4000 Gold Killed four 4HD*** Scorpians