Part of the script I wrote for tracking consumption of torches over time (and diminishing light radius as they approach burning out) automates turning the light radius for torches on and off, although I've implemented it differently than how you describe it. It hadn't occurred to me to try a multi-sided token for lit/unlit -- I haven't done much with rollable tables yet. Here's the link:
The on/off function uses any generic token named "Torch," which it expects to have a current/max value for Bar 1 (representing remaining/total burning time), and uses Bar2 to turn the light on or off -- 0 is off, 1 is on (and the script converts any positive number to 1 and any negative number to 0, for a "clean" display).
If you don't care about the time tracking functions and just want the on/off switch, you can chop out this whole block:
on("chat:message", function(msg) { ... };
and if you don't care about the light radius diminishing as the torch burns lower, you can simplify the if ... else block in the updateLights function to only check on/off status, and get rid of the references to burningTimeTotal and burningTimeRemaining.
I'm not going to attempt to add multi-sided tokens for my script (yet -- although I like the idea a lot), mostly because one of the 0-level scrubs in my upcoming DCC game lucked out and got a lantern as their random starting gear. So now I have to extend the script to cover lanterns. ;-)
But if you're learning javascript (or any programming language), the two best things I can recommend are a project you really want to realize -- no better motivation than making your own cool idea a reality -- and finding some code that does something similar to what you want to do, and shamelessly ripping it off learning from it. So have at it!