I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, so trying to act on the side of caution, as it were, I wanted to place it here...
After the update (which I might add, is awesome), the mouseover tooltips from appear great when the chat window is anchored to the map window. If you pop it out from that, into its own window, all formatting of the tooltip is gone (i.e.: everything is HTML coding). I have performed all the troubleshooting steps.
I'm getting ready to head to class, so I can't test this on Firefox or anything else, but I can give you the rundown of what I am using, and attaching a screenshot of what I mean:

OS: Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10.3)
Browser: Chrome 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit)
Javascript is enabled, not running an Anti-Virus
Only addon is 1password extension (which I have disabled and checked -- still doesn't work)
Log as follows:
After the update (which I might add, is awesome), the mouseover tooltips from appear great when the chat window is anchored to the map window. If you pop it out from that, into its own window, all formatting of the tooltip is gone (i.e.: everything is HTML coding). I have performed all the troubleshooting steps.
I'm getting ready to head to class, so I can't test this on Firefox or anything else, but I can give you the rundown of what I am using, and attaching a screenshot of what I mean:

OS: Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10.3)
Browser: Chrome 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit)
Javascript is enabled, not running an Anti-Virus
Only addon is 1password extension (which I have disabled and checked -- still doesn't work)
Log as follows:
app.roll20.net/:8 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.doubleclick.net https://*.googlesyndication.com https://www.googletagservices.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://www.google-analytics.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://d3clqjduf2gvxg.cloudfront.net https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.firebaseio.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.opentok.com https://*.googlesyndication.com Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-...'), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. app.roll20.net/:9 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.doubleclick.net https://*.googlesyndication.com https://www.googletagservices.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://www.google-analytics.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://d3clqjduf2gvxg.cloudfront.net https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.firebaseio.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.opentok.com https://*.googlesyndication.com Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-...'), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. app.js?1425996136:27 70 app.js?1425996136:28 TOUCH SUPPORTED: false app.js?1425996136:28 USING WEBGL ACCELERATION... app.js?1425996136:28 WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS app.js?1425996136:23 select app.js?1425996136:23 Switch mode to select app.js?1425996136:38 Initializing new dice engine with randomness... app.js?1425996136:38 Using random entropy app.js?1425996136:40 Compiling sheet... app.js?1425996136:40 Finding sheet rolls... 2app.js?1425996136:40 SHEET ERROR: Specified a disabled input without a valid formula in the value attribute. app.js?1425996136:40 Object app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! tutorial_tips.js:7 tuts loaded app.roll20.net/:1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. app.js?1425996136:34 Final page load. app.js?1425996136:34 Scan for new plays! app.js?1425996136:33 Auth'ed. app.js?1425996136:33 Go post auth! 199app.js?1425996136:34 Scan for new plays! app.js?1425996136:33 initial setup app.js?1425996136:33 Got players value... app.js?1425996136:33 joining game... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTJDZfi5-6_LG4eg7xA is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTJoQ6lK-bu2JDEGd9G is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTMyX0m-siDkZ5K4SWG is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTN6cWLnDD1gAXbiVrK is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTNtt01Kg6a1uBLEFgV is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTYnrpt7LQiyPmUeJvQ is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JThqekNzty4HJpReH9q is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JTukPKtGHiP1QKtQxAd is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -JVctLs7OJShOxlWsLlK is offline... app.js?1425996136:32 Player -Jj2XLhlHaH2uNuDeIZK is offline... app.js?1425996136:33 Deferred finish joining... app.js?1425996136:27 Firebase Online app.js?1425996136:32 I think I should be first? app.js?1425996136:32 FIRST PLAYER: -JTJDZfi5-6_LG4eg7xA app.js?1425996136:36 refershing page listings! 8app.js?1425996136:31 Full load page! app.js?1425996136:33 We have 56 pages app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 10ms app.js?1425996136:39 initiatlizing video chat app.js?1425996136:39 Connecting to WebRTC app.js?1425996136:33 handle page changes app.js?1425996136:33 false app.js?1425996136:33 init active page! app.js?1425996136:31 activate page! app.js?1425996136:31 FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE. app.js?1425996136:31 Graphics: 0 app.js?1425996136:31 Paths: 0 app.js?1425996136:36 refershing page listings! app.js?1425996136:31 Reorder by ZORDER app.js?1425996136:30 Do refresh link cache! app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 52ms 6app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:39 Connected to session app.js?1425996136:39 Someone just connected. app.js?1425996136:39 It's us? 13app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 67ms to generate cache. 3app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com 3app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com 3app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. 3app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com 8app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:31 Reorder by ZORDER 16app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 66ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com 11app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com 5app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:31 Reorder by ZORDER 6app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 110ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com 7app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:31 Reorder by ZORDER 2app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values 3app.js?1425996136:31 setting src app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 101ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. 2app.js?1425996136:31 setting src app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Reorder by ZORDER 2app.js?1425996136:31 setting src app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values 12app.js?1425996136:31 setting src 7app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 117ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 125ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 146ms to generate cache. 9app.js?1425996136:31 setting src 8app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 17ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 0ms to generate cache. 12app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values 9app.js?1425996136:28 new lamp app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:29 Show token's character... app.js?1425996136:34 Show Character View Dialog! app.js?1425996136:34 --- RENDER CHARACTIVE VIEW ---- app.js?1425996136:34 Redoing charsheet html app.js?1425996136:34 175ms to end of html app.roll20.net/:1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Updating ALL VALUES app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 Appending to sheetform app.js?1425996136:34 Took 3701ms app.js?1425996136:34 Was a dialog! app.js?1425996136:34 Setting style element in child window. app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! 2app.js?1425996136:28 new lamp app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 37ms app.js?1425996136:39 Finished after going 2 levels deep. app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 30ms app.js?1425996136:31 Swapping https://*.googlesyndication.com to https://*.googlesyndication.com app.js?1425996136:31 Reorder by ZORDER app.js?1425996136:31 setting src app.js?1425996136:27 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js?1425996136:27 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js?1425996136:28 Do angle snapping! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:34 Show Character View Dialog! app.js?1425996136:34 --- RENDER CHARACTIVE VIEW ---- app.js?1425996136:34 Redoing charsheet html jquery.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. app.js?1425996136:34 180ms to end of html app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Updating ALL VALUES app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 Appending to sheetform app.js?1425996136:34 Took 444ms app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 84ms app.js?1425996136:40 p.fn.p.init[1] app.js?1425996136:30 Do refresh link cache! app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 83ms https://*.googlesyndication.com Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) https://*.googlesyndication.com Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) app.js?1425996136:30 Do refresh link cache! app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 88ms app.js?1425996136:40 p.fn.p.init[1] app.js?1425996136:30 Do refresh link cache! app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 84ms app.js?1425996136:34 Show Character View Dialog! app.js?1425996136:34 Already has child window! app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 32ms app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 48ms app.js?1425996136:34 Show Character View Dialog! app.js?1425996136:34 --- RENDER CHARACTIVE VIEW ---- app.js?1425996136:34 Redoing charsheet html jquery.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. app.js?1425996136:34 119ms to end of html app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Updating ALL VALUES app.js?1425996136:34 Appending to sheetform app.js?1425996136:34 Took 272ms app.js?1425996136:30 Do refresh link cache! app.js?1425996136:34 Show Character View Dialog! app.js?1425996136:40 Refresh Journal List! app.js?1425996136:40 Search took 75ms app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 42ms app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 37ms app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 29ms jquery.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. jquery.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. app.js?1425996136:29 Show token's character... app.js?1425996136:34 Show Character View Dialog! app.js?1425996136:34 --- RENDER CHARACTIVE VIEW ---- app.js?1425996136:34 Redoing charsheet html jquery.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://imgsrv.roll20.net:5100/?src=i.imgur.com/Y8KHPKm.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. app.js?1425996136:34 226ms to end of html app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Updating ALL VALUES app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 ERROR parsing formula: undefined app.js?1425996136:34 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined app.js?1425996136:34 Appending to sheetform app.js?1425996136:34 Took 3034ms app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 34ms app.js?1425996136:34 Updating character sheet values app.js?1425996136:34 Took 31ms app.js?1425996136:23 targeting app.js?1425996136:23 Switch mode to targeting app.js?1425996136:23 targeting app.js:23 Switch mode to targeting app.js:23 targeting app.js:23 Switch mode to targeting app.js:23 targeting app.js:23 Switch mode to targeting app.js:23 targeting app.js:23 Switch mode to targeting app.js:23 targeting app.js:23 Switch mode to targeting app.js:39 Finished after going 8 levels deep. app.js:23 select app.js:23 Switch mode to select app.js:34 Updating character sheet values app.js:34 Took 30ms app.js:39 Finished after going 2 levels deep. app.js:39 Found existing ID! app.js:39 Finished after going 2 levels deep. app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:36 Cancel showing app.js:39 Finished after going 2 levels deep. app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:41 window resize app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:41 window resize app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom! app.js?1425996136:28 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js?1425996136:28 Final set zoom!