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New Class actions section 5th edition D&D character sheet

So before you can type whatever formula you wanted. For example, I had a class macro for Potion of Healing and the output was /r 2d4+2. Now no matter where i put /r 2d4+2 it doesn't actually roll. Now I'm trying to input things like second wind in there but to no avail. Any help would be nice.
Also I type this in... You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. And when i click the use button it ignores my first 2 lines of text. Why?

Edited 1426103183
I understand that you need to use "[[2d4+2]]" for the formula. I've done that, and it actually works for the rolls (though I have no idea why a standard macro doesn't work). Hopefully that helps. The challenge I'm having is that I'd like to add my Sneak Attack damage to my attack rolls. I've put in "[[1d6]]", and clicking the "Use" button works great. I can even put a check mark next to any of the Saving Throws or Core Skills, and get it to add 1d6 to them, but I can get it to work when I put the check mark next to either the Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons options. I get a "SyntaxError" that reads as follows. SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "]" found. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Edit - I suspect someone has fixed it, as none of us could get it to work last night or this morning, but now, 30 minutes after I posted this, it works GREAT! Thank your, whoever you are, my fixing angel. :-)

Edited 1426102406
Output for your healing potion just needs to be [[2d4+2]]. Remove the line break in your second one and it'll work. ETA: for your second wind macro you might want to do [[1d10+@{fighter_level}]] so it will just do it automatically - I just added this in to my player's fighter character and it seems to be working.
ok, thanks
Sheet Author
The old system just sent whatever was in the sheet to the chat window mimicing what would happen if you typed it there yourself. As such you used to be able to do all the commands you could when manually using chat like /r or /em etc... The new version of the sheet wraps all of the output in a roll template which means it gets sent to the chat as a special comand meaning that you can no longer use other chat commands because it will appear in the middle of a much larger command and so wont work as you expect it to. You can however, as others have mentioned, use inline rolls for any rolls you need to do and these will be included as normal. You cannot use multiline data as part of the output either as this will break the roll template and you will likely get weird/broken otput. This is a limitation of the new system and not the sheet
Let me shed some light on the SyntaxError when using the "Show Output Options": I've noticed that the function reads one less character at the end if the "output" field is only the dice roll. To get it working, you may set Output, for instance, in Sneak Attack, something like: "[[1d6]] Plus" "[[1d6]] " <- note there is a space character at the end. Worked fine here. Tip for the programmers: probably the function/code-section for counting characters should have a "+1" at the end, like counting an array starting on 1 instead of 0 =P Hope I could help.
I'm trying to use the following macro "[[(@{level}/2+0.1)d6]] " but I am getting syntax error. Works perfectly alone, but when I set the output to melee range and attack the error occurs.