So the last time I attempted to put this game together, it didn't go so well. Ever hopeful, I'm going to give it another shot because I'm a sucker like that. This time around, I've enlisted the help of the Steelborne Legion tabletop gaming guild . WHAT: The campaign we'll be playing is Paizo's Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, an urban adventure set in the big city of Korvosa. This game will be run following the E6 rule variant, which makes level 6 the highest a player can reach in the game, for the purposes of game balance and providing consistent challenge. The style of campaign we'll be playing is one that will be very roleplay-heavy, with an emphasis on players creating characters that provide meaningful and interesting way to interact with the world and setting, rather than optimized for combat. There will certainly be combat encounters, and plenty of them, but the game will run at a much slower pace, with more time devoted to the players making their way in the world. The campaign will focus on tone and atmosphere a bit more than many others, and as such I'll be keeping a bit of a restrictive hand on character creation, as far as race choices and builds go, and helping players construct characters that are designed to fit the world and give the player meaningful ways they can go about interacting with it. I want every player to bring something to the table for the group. WHEN: It looks like it's going to be either Monday or Tuesday evenings EST. WHAT KIND OF PLAYERS I'M LOOKING FOR: I understand right off the bat that this may not be the campaign for everyone. The type of player I'm looking for is one that has experience enough with the 3.5/Pathfinder system that play isn't slow, and is interested in a campaign where they can really stretch their roleplaying legs. Players who are more interested in building a compelling character than an optimized combat machine, and players who love learning the setting and picking ways to explore it that interest them will find a home in my campaigns. The ideal candidate will be familiar enough with the Golarion setting, or willing to learn (I'm happy to provide the relevant reference books for this campaign), solid roleplaying chops, and the ability to get along easily and commit to a game. HOW: This game will be run via voice chat through Teamspeak. CONTENT ALLOWED: First of all, I highly discourage people from committing to a character concept before reading the setting guide. -Core races only. -The only classes I'm saying outright no to are Gunslinger and anything based on summoning. -No third party, please. -Full-casters will be kept to half the party or less. -Characters will be built with the normal 20 point buy/2 trait allotment, one trait must be a Campaign Trait. INTERESTED?: If this game sounds like something that might be up your alley, I'd enjoy hearing from you. Please send me a private message detailing the following: -Your overall gaming experience, and familiarity with the Pathfinder Golarion setting -What specifically interests within this campaign, and what you're looking for in a campaign. -Specific play style or other details that are important to you. I look forward to hearing from people and hopefully putting together a great group of players. EXTRA: I would suggest everyone interested at least make a point of reading through the short Player's Guide, and I'll be asking every player to familiarize themselves with the Korvosa setting through the City Guide