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[SR] Shadowrun 5e Character Sheet

March 11 (10 years ago)

Edited December 16 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Character Sheet Updated 12/07/2015

This is now the default sheet for Shadowrun 5th Edition.

Important notes:

  • Don't leave anything blank. Blank is bad. If a value is 0, put a 0 in. If a button doesn't work, this is the most likely cause.
  • Spell drain value is entered as the modifier to F. -1, +1, etc... Do not put the F in the box.
  • The default value for "Tolerance" is 3. Make sure it is entered correctly in the wound section, and that damage is entered properly.
  • The box before the "d6" button in "initiative" is for how many d6 to roll. This should usually be 1, but it could be higher depending on choices made at character creation.
  • The "mod" box after the limit source in active skills is a permanent modifier to the limit. (Some adept powers give this.)
  • The only way to make an edge roll is in the "Quick Roll Collection".
  • "Base" attribute isn't used in anything and is just for your reference. All rolls use the number in "Total" attribute.

Please report bugs in this thread.
March 11 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
As far as I can see on the character sheet select area, yes, the 5th edition sheet is still around.
March 12 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Oh yes, it is, I meant is the person who wrote it around
March 12 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Ah. My mistake. The whole 'reading' thing...
March 12 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Sadly I did not have any time to do anything Roll20 related in the past 6 months or so. Resulting in me not having mentor anymore and also lacking the time to actually do any work on the sheet.
So any bugfixing or useful changes to the sheet: Greatly appreciated! Especially roll templates since I did not yet have time to actually read anything about them would be great.
I just started an SR5 campaign myself, so I'd really appreciate improvements on the sheet, as well as a roll template. I'd like to make a few suggestions and/or requests (as I lack the coding skills and Mentor access to do it myself).

  • When creating custom macros on a character, I can't seem to find the attribute that handles the injury modifier. Is there just one floating around, or would I have to force some math into the macro?
  • The initiative roller should have a &{tracker} tag to add the result to the Turn Tracker.
  • You probably already know about this, but the buttons in the Quick Roll section love to drop out of place. Usually, resizing the character-sheet window makes them snap back to where they should be.
  • The Essence Cost column of the Augmentation section doesn't allow for numbers with decimal points (such as "0.2").
  • Some areas should have clarifications -- for instance, when you're entering a weapon's stats, you don't add a stat to the "Skill" column, just the weapon skill.
  • Some guidelines for on-screen macro buttons would be helpful. I'm planning on adding buttons for initiative (physical, Matrix, astral), end-of-turn (which will subtract 10 from the Turn Tracker), and some common items like Perception or Assensing.
If I think of anything else, or encounter them in my game, I'll add more to this discussion.
March 16 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
  • Are you looking for @{woundmod}? That's the math behind the wound modifier and the one that is used in most of the rolls in the sheet. You have to be careful with it though since it is an inline roll; you can not use it within another inline roll (no [[@{woundmod}]])
  • The initiative should add to the tracker as long as you have a token selected.
  • -
  • That did work at the time I made the sheet public; since then the step attribute was defaulted to 1, so you can just always add or subtract 1 from the number. You would need to change:
<div class="sheet-item sheet-little"><input type="number" name="attr_augessence" /></div>
<div class="sheet-item sheet-little"><input type="number" step="0.01" min="0" name="attr_augessence" /></div>
with that you could increment in .01 steps.

  • Yeah, I never was the best at explaining how my brain works, if someone can make that better / clearer it would probably help avoid some traps.
  • I'm just gonna leave some character-specific macros here that I used for the last game I ran:
Initiative: /r ([[@{REA}+@{INT}]]-[[floor((@{HP}+@{Stun})/3)]])+[[((?{Edge?|0}*(5-@{INIDice}))+@{INIDice})]]d6 &{tracker}
MatrixInitiative: /r (@{INT}+?{Data Processing|1}-[[floor((@{HP}+@{Stun})/3)]])+((?{Edge?|0}*(5-3))+3)d6 &{tracker}
	 	  +[[1d6]] for Hot Sim

EndTurn: /em ends the turn. (-[[10 &{tracker:-}]] to Initiative.)
EndTurnGM: /emas @{selected|token_name} ends the turn. (-[[10 &{tracker:-}]] to Initiative.)
Problem with Perception and Assensing are that I don't know of a way to access one particular skill in the skill part of the sheet. There was no way back when I made the sheet and I don't know if that has changed in any way. If it has you can make macros for those two as well, otherwise you'd have to manually add those attributes to the character
March 16 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi there!

Quick update:

After spending hours and hours on it, I've found a way (a workaround actually) to incorporate the woundmod into the inline rolls necessary for use in roll templates. I have the "skills" section working now. It now works with limits as well as woundmod and puts the result out in a template.

I'm going to do a little more checking, then I'll be re-writing all the other rolls to use the template as well.

March 16 (9 years ago)

Edited March 16 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Here is a quick look at the current template. It's not quite right yet, I need to add a few more display elements to make it easier to read, but it gives you an idea of the direction I'm going:

The only thing I can't make display right yet is the wound penalty. It's part of the roll, but it won't show up yet.
I LIKE it! Do you think you could add some dark green scanlines to the background, the sort of thing you'd expect to see on an old CRT display?

Another option would be to mimic the look of callouts in the core SR5 book -- alternating bands of black and gray, with titles in all-caps yellow sans-serif.

Will the "Attribute" line be replaced with the actual attribute? Also, what's the name of the roll template, so I can incorporate it into custom macros?
March 20 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi Chris,

I was thinking the same thing. I made the border myself in Photoshop, based on the graphics in the PDF rulebook. I plan to add some texture to the existing black background, but cosmetic upgrades like that are below finishing the error checking in priority. But I'm definitely going to get it done.

Replacing "Attribute" with the name of the actual attribute is on the list, at about the same place as the other cosmetic changes. It involves changes to the code that pulls the value for the attribute though, so it would be some pretty major changes. My coding time right now is more focused on actually showing the numeric value for the wound penalty. Once I get that done, I'm going to move on to other coding issues.

This template is based on the existing ShadowRun 5e template. I copied it and started making modifications. I've created a gist for it, I'll post the link shortly.


March 20 (9 years ago)

Edited March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Below is the link to the gist of this file.

Important Note: This file is undergoing rapid initial programming and design. It is changing often, and bugs may be in some or all revisions. I'll try to keep this conversation thread up to date with most recent status.

Link to Gist: (old link removed ... see post above)

This template is based on the existing ShadowRun 5e template. I copied it and started making modifications. I've created a gist for it, I'll post the link shortly.

Actually, all I was asking for was the name of the roll template, so I could use it in my custom macros.
March 20 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Chris M. said:

This template is based on the existing ShadowRun 5e template. I copied it and started making modifications. I've created a gist for it, I'll post the link shortly.

Actually, all I was asking for was the name of the roll template, so I could use it in my custom macros.

Oh, it's called "sr" call via


Thanks, Chad. When are these changes going live? I'm not seeing any of it on my end yet.
March 22 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Chris M. said:

Thanks, Chad. When are these changes going live? I'm not seeing any of it on my end yet.

THey aren't live at the moment. I need to finish the rest of the sheet :) Only the active skills are currently done.

March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
I've made updates to this file as of 3-23. Wound penalties have been completely re-written so that I can use them in all templates.

Active Skills Work
The Avoidance and Damage Reduction rolls at the top for armor work

Nothing else has been ported over to roll templates yet.

Thanks a bunch, Chad. Any chance of including some documentation somewhere accessible, to help those of us who want to make some custom macros?
March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Certainly! I will add some documentation, but here are the basics:

  • {{roll header}} is the name at the top of the box, printed in white.

  • You can have up to 9 label/number variables. They are all called as {{v1}} and {{v1_num}}, {{v2}} {{v2_num}}, etc.... They are always printed in numerical order, with the label on the left and the number on the right, in green text. These are the majority of what you display. For example, you might put:

{{v1=Skill Lvl}} {{v1_num=@{skilllvl}}}

  • There are currently the following "special" variables which have their own color, just for sake of readability:
    • {{woundpenalty}} is sent a number which is then displayed as yellow text with a minus sign next to the label "Wound Penalty"
    • {{limit}} is sent a number and displayed as blue text with a minus sign next to the label "Limit"

  • There are three possible "result" variables. They are red print in the opposite order of the above, with the number on the left and the label on the right. To remind you of this, they have a different naming convention. {{result1}} is the die roll or calculation for the result and {{result1_label}} is the associated label. The same is true for {{result2}}, etc...

{{result1=4d6>5s}} {{result1_label=Successes}}

Here are two examples, enjoy!

&{template:sr} {{roll_header=Active Skill}} {{v1=@{activeskillname}}} {{v1_num=@{activeskillbase}}} {{v2=Attribute}} {{v2_num=@{activeskillattr}}} {{v3=Misc}} {{v3_num=@{activeskillmisc}}} {{v4=Situational Modifier}} {{v4_num=?{Situational Modifiers?|0}}} {{woundpenalty=@{calcwoundmod}}} {{limit=@{activeskillcalclimit}}} {{result1_label=Successes}} {{result1=[[(@{activeskilldiesum}+?{Situational Modifiers?|0})d6>5sk@{activeskillcalclimit}]]}}

&{template:sr} {{roll_header=Defensive Roll}} {{v1=Body}} {{v1_num=@{body}}} {{v2=Armor}} {{v2_num=@{armor}}} {{v3=Misc}} {{v3_num=@{armormisc}}} {{v4=Armor Pen}} {{v4_num=?{Armor Penetration?|0}}} {{result1_label=Damage Reduction}} {{result1=[[(@{body}+@{armor}+@{armormisc}+?{Armor Penetration?|0})d6>5s]]}} {{v6=Avoidance}} {{v6_num=@{avoid}}} {{v7=Avoid Misc}} {{v7_num=@{avoidmisc}}} {{woundpenalty=@{calcwoundmod}}}{{result2_label=Hits Avoided}} {{result2=[[(@{avoidrollsum}+0)d6>5s]]}}

March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
I should add: All variables are optional... if they don't exist, they are skipped.
March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
I've just posted a new update to the sheet. It has (another) re-code of the wound mods to try to handle all possible cases. I used modulus arithmetic this time, so it should work for just about all cases. Still need a couple more modifier fields for wound mods to account for some adept powers and so on that are in 5e, that's coming soon.

March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
I moved the code to a git-hub repository, gist was annoying me
March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Maybe fork roll20's character sheet repo and add your shadowrun 5e folder there so the mods can make it official?
March 24 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Mark said:

Maybe fork roll20's character sheet repo and add your shadowrun 5e folder there so the mods can make it official?

That's my plan, once I have it actually working. Now that I have the woundmod working properly, I'm starting to code all the other rolls on the sheet into the roll template as well. Won't be long, everything is pretty simple from this point.

April 17 (9 years ago)
Hey guys, i am using the "official" 5th edition SR char sheet (from the dropdown selection of the campaign settings) and i have two quick questions:
1.) Is there any type of SR specific template integrated (aside from the default template provided by roll20 for every char sheet)?
2.) Do i have to switch to Chads char sheet manually or is the standard SR5ed gonne be updated to have the templates you posted above ready for use? Also connected to this question, when i switch char sheets all my players have to re-enter their data into the new sheets right?

Thanks in advance for any reply and especially to Chad for putting work into this topic!
April 18 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi there!

1 - No. Templates are part of character sheets.
2 - You'd have to install it as a custom at the moment. I'm going to fork the released sheet soonish and get mine up, I think it's getting close to ready.


April 18 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
By the way, I just made a major update to the github. With the exception of some cosmetic and usability changes, almost everything works. It still needs a few additions such as a section for alchemy, updates to the initiative for matrix and astral, and reformatting of the section on the top right. But everything works at this point.

April 18 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Okay, a couple of minor changes just posted.

I have my second game using the sheet on Monday and we will test it at that time. If all works out, I'll go through and polish the cell sizes to reduce wasted space and will work on getting this as the official published sheet.

April 24 (9 years ago)
Looking forward to use your sheet & templates for my next Shadowrun "season" :). Highly appreciating the work you are doing!
April 25 (9 years ago)
really looking forward to this, hope its up soon, not sure if you worked out the woundmod problem, but once they let nested inline rolls go live you shouldn't have any problems fitting it into the roll template.
April 25 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Azul said:

really looking forward to this, hope its up soon, not sure if you worked out the woundmod problem, but once they let nested inline rolls go live you shouldn't have any problems fitting it into the roll template.

Worked around it. Found a way to do all of it with modulus arithmetic. No problem :)

Uploading new version now
April 25 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
New version uploaded. Working version, no major issues. All roll buttons working.

See GitHub link at top.

Most recent upload 4/24/2015 6:22pm Alaska Time
April 25 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Important notes:

  • Don't leave anything blank. Blank is bad. If a value is 0, put a 0 in.
  • Spell drain value is entered as the modifier to F. -1, +1, etc... Do not put the F in the box.
  • The default value for "Tolerance" is 3. Make sure it is entered correctly in the wound section, and that damage is entered properly. (See planned updates below.)
  • The box before the "d6" button in initiative is for how many d6 to roll. This should usually be 1.
  • The "mod" box after the limit source in active skills is a permanent modifier to the limit. (Some adept powers give this.)
  • The only way to make an edge roll is in the "Quick Roll Collection"
  • "Base" attribute isn't used in anything and is just for your reference. All rolls use the number in "Total" attribute.

Upcoming Updates:
  • Alchemy section that will manage alchemy drain rolls automatically and allow tracking of prepared items.
  • Re-write of the wound section to make it easier to use.
  • Any bug fixes or new requests (please report them in this thread)
Has there been an update to the published sheet in the past two weeks with any of these updates? Assuming none! Any ETA if not?

May 14 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi Dale,

I update the sheet about every 2 weeks when I have a game, three this time though because I had to work one of the weeks.

Some minor updates, I'l post the updated version this evening. It's working nicely.

May 14 (9 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author

Chad said:

Important notes:

  • Don't leave anything blank. Blank is bad. If a value is 0, put a 0 in.
  • Spell drain value is entered as the modifier to F. -1, +1, etc... Do not put the F in the box.
  • The default value for "Tolerance" is 3. Make sure it is entered correctly in the wound section, and that damage is entered properly. (See planned updates below.)
  • The box before the "d6" button in initiative is for how many d6 to roll. This should usually be 1.
  • The "mod" box after the limit source in active skills is a permanent modifier to the limit. (Some adept powers give this.)
  • The only way to make an edge roll is in the "Quick Roll Collection"
  • "Base" attribute isn't used in anything and is just for your reference. All rolls use the number in "Total" attribute.
Things I discovered:

You can put value="0" in the input line to create a default value. A player can still 'delete' the value (and break the math) but it won't be blank at the start.

Chad said:

Hi Dale,

I update the sheet about every 2 weeks when I have a game, three this time though because I had to work one of the weeks.

Some minor updates, I'l post the updated version this evening. It's working nicely.


Thanks for the update, Chad. I should have clarified that I was wondering about the sheet accessible to non-Mentor's on Roll20 (the one mentioned by Alex a few posts up). Our group has been using it for several months and I don't believe we've seen any updates to it.
May 29 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Not yet. We have tested this in a number of small conflicts so far and have our first big combat in game this Monday. Assuming all works as expected, I will see about getting this added to the public list of character sheets.

I've just started using the 5th ed. Shadowrun character sheets, and I've noticed that any rolls that are started using either the weapons or core combat info sections of the page include the core attribute value twice. Any rolls started using the skills section of the page only use the core attribute once.
for example:
Agility: 7
Automatics skill points: 6
Dice pool for automatics test in skills section: 13 (what actually shows up in chat window as roll result)
Dice pool for rifle test in ranged weapons section: 20 (what actually shows up in chat window as roll result)
Dice pool for rifle test in core combat info section: 20 (what actually shows up in chat window as roll result)

Can the sheet be revised so that it isn't adding the core attribute again when rolls are taken?

June 10 (9 years ago)

the admiral said:

rolls that are started using either the weapons or core combat info sections of the page include the core attribute value twice.

I was unable to reproduce this on the production server. I suspect extraneous factors are in play.
June 10 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi Admiral,

The sheets been changed since the version you are using I think.

I'd like to get my sheet available to everyone now, but I am not experienced with Github. Can anyone give me step by step directions to get it published, or a URL that gives the same?


June 11 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Okay all, I've started the process of getting these sheets setup so I can issue a pull request to get them into the drop-down for all players. The documentation is going to take a couple of days, but I hope to have it up soon.

YAY, thats great news. Thank you so much for your effort!
June 12 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Okay, I've uploaded the changes in github and created the pull request. Oddly enough, my greatest concern is that the instructions come out. That was a very long line of text with markup :)

I now have a new URL for my sheets, I'll add it up top.

How do I check out this sheet? I can't find any resources to help me learn how to do that :/

PS: Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this.
June 18 (9 years ago)

Edited June 18 (9 years ago)
Well, the second his sheet gets approved it should show up in the options of your campaign (campaign settings > character sheet template).
June 19 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi there,

The sheet has been approved, but I see it's not live yet. I'm not sure how long that should take. When it is, it will be listed as a Shadowrun: 5th Edition sheet on the dropdown.

(Note, I am told that, if your game is using the former Shadowrun sheet, it won't automatically update. Your gm will have to manually choose the new sheet to "refresh" the sheet choice. This is happening because there are enough changes to the sheet that players will need to spend some time updating numbers before everything works.)

June 22 (9 years ago)
Congrats, Chad. :)
I wanted to ask a question about glitches and critical glitches. The current roll presentation does not display how many ones were rolled during the attempt. Are there plans to add this detail to the roll display or a way to look at the actual dice rolled?

June 25 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Hi Charles,

If you mouseover the result, you will see the sorted roll results in the tooltip popup.

I'm considering adding special effects for glitches and critical glitches, just not sure how to make them fit the theme yet.
Thanks Chad! That will resolve any issue there for the moment. I actually just came up with another item dealing with hardened armor (both the creature power and the mil-spec armor in Run and Gun). Verifying that the power of the attack exceeds the armor rating is easy enough for the GM, but I was wondering if there is a way to flag armor as Hardened and include the automatic successes from the hardening into the roll.

For now I will just add them in by hand after the roll so it isn't a critical request.

This sheet is fantastic by the way!