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Magnifier Tool

I'm using chrome and I begun to have a problem with the magnify tool in the right hand tool bar. I click on the magnifying glass, the drop down comes up, but as soon as I try to make a selection the drop down disapears. This is most annoying. Jim

Edited 1426343738
Having the same issue since launch of bag of holding :) My chrome is up to date as well.
also encountering this issue

Edited 1426351252
Sheet Author
Not sure what's happening with the mag tool. You should post this in the Bugs & Technical Issues forum to get some eyes on it. Can you zoom within the editor using ALT+mouse wheel?
Vince said: Not sure what's happening with the mag tool. You should post this in the Bugs & Technical Issues forum to get some eyes on it. Can you zoom within the editor using ALT+mouse wheel? Yes, and using the scroll wheel while the magnification tool's dropdown is still visible also works... but the instant you move the mouse with the dropdown visible it vanishes

Edited 1426357590
Sheet Author
I think it's a " known issue " at this point since other's are experiencing the same problem, so the Dev's are probably working on it. At least there's a few workarounds. Roll high. Cheers
Indeed. It's since been posted in Bugs and has a dev response: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Steve K. We're aware of the issue affecting Windows Chrome users. As a work around until this is fixed, there is a zoom slider in the upper right hand corner of the table top.
You can also use [ALT] mousewheel to zoom.