So because you guys are babbies and need training wheels still, I've quoted one of the D&D sources used. Most of the abilities were outlined by Jimm in the dungeon notes, but I've had to interpret a few things as well. My notes are included below the quote and fully outline how Vampires work. They are a bullshit monster because of no direct save vs. level drain, but considering how many saves you guys do get and the items/spells you possess, you should be able to deal with them. Monsters don't have to follow some logic rules like armor weight, etc. due to the differences between monsters, their size, and mostly to the fact that their stats are already laid out before I ever bring them into the game. Vampires are AC 2 move rate is 120' per round while human, and 180' per round while mist. If I feel like trying to explain why I (or your character should) think they can move so fast while wearing platemail, you should consider yourself lucky. I'm under no obligation to explain anything except what you see. -from D&D Booklet II: Monsters & Treasure VAMPIRE
Are not creatures of
pure-magic, but are considered undead. How they are created is a mystery
that may or may not be solved during the campaign.
Immune to non-magic fire,
sleep, charm, hold spells, poison, and paralysis.
Other normal undead abilities like: Detect
Invisibility, treated as Undead, etc.
Detect invisibility is
merely sensing that an invisible creature is present and its general
location. If invisible, the creature is still difficult to hit and
attacking them comes at a -4 penalty to hit.
Only hit by magic weapons.
1/2 damage from cold or
Regenerates 3/hp per round.
Automatic charm every round
with -2 to victim's save (1 target) vs.
Those avoiding the gaze
must still make a save with no modifier, and will attack with a -2
Characters not looking at
the vampire at all must attack at a -4 penalty and may hit others
engaged in melee.
Attack drains 2 levels (no
saving throw):
The evil of these vampires
is such that even those struck in melee by their weapon feel their life
force sapped away by the stark horror of the creature attacking them.
May take the form of a
human, dire wolf, giant bat (big enough to carry people away), or gaseous
Immune to all
weapon attacks
in gaseous form.
In human form may summon:
1d10 x10 rats or 5d4 giant
1d10 x10 bats or 3d6 giant
3d6 wolves or 2d4 dire
Bats/Rats will consist of
swarms, 1 swarm per 10 creatures, each swarm will deal 1d6 damage and
attack as an AC9, ½ HD creature. Each creature will have 1hp, thus each
swarm will have 10hp. Rats will cause save or be knocked down. Bats
will cause save vs confusion.
Those fully level drained by
a vampire may return from death as a vampire in 3 days under the
vampire's control.
At 0hp automatically assumes
gaseous form and flees to coffin.
May not come within 10' of a
strongly presented Lawful holy symbol, although they will move to attack
the person holding the symbol from another direction. This means the holy
symbol must be presented at a target or in a specific direction.
Garlic repels (save vs.
poison or cannot attack that person that round (sneeze).
Casts no reflection, and
prefers to simply avoid mirrors. Will have no effect if a mirror is
strongly presented.
Will avoid crossing running
water, either on foot or flying, except at bridges (any solid crossing)
or while in their coffins.
This does not include rain
or oceans; only streams, rivers, and creeks. This interpretation is due
to streams, rivers, and creeks symbolize the strength of life.
Must rest in coffin during
the day, failure to do so results in 2d6 hp loss per day.
Continual light spell from
Cleric is not direct sunlight, but will blind for -4 to rolls if strongly
presented or cast upon their eyes.
Any time the word
"strongly presented" is used, you can assume the presenting
player must expend all of his efforts that round presenting the object
towards the target. It can affect more than one target if there are
others in that direction.
Distance at which the
effect takes place is up to interpretation of the situation by the
DM. Obviously 60' or even 40'
away, the light would not be bright enough to penalize the vampires.
Will take 1d6 damage on
contact with Holy Water, and another 1d6 damage for 2 rounds after.
Killed by stake through
heart or immersion in running water within 3 rounds.
Can also be staked through
the heart with a called shot on a natural roll of 20, or with a
successful backstab. You must call out that you are doing this specific
thing before you make your attack roll, and failure indicates you fail
to hit the target at all. Some vampires wear heavy armor (leather can be
pierced); this prevents staking in this manner.
Exposure to direct sunlight
requires save vs death or disintegrate.
*NEW* Raise Dead excites and
reinvigorates their undead corpse bodies. If vampires fail their saving
throw they turn into red mist; and not the undead kind.
DM's notes and interpretations.