I'm running Rise of the Runelords, and both I and my players find PCGen to be much easier to work with for leveling up, since it enforces that hit dice/favored class/feats/spells/etc are calculated correctly much better than the Roll20 sheets. However, it's nice to be able to press buttons on the character sheet to roll initiative/skills/attacks/saves/etc, but copying the data over after each level is tedious First off, I'm wondering if this already exists. Googling hasn't found me anything, nor has scanning this forum, but I have been known to miss the obvious. Secondly, I'd love some feedback on my plan of attack, should it not already exist and I need to build it. My plan at the moment is to create a pcgen export template, that exports to json (or perhaps an html page that wraps the generated json into a easily copyable textarea and provides instructions for how to use it). This export template would essentially be a map of attributes to values formatted appropriately for the roll20 character sheet being targeted. After exporting to json, the player message chat with "!import <<BLOB>>" as the character they wish to update, at which point the api script would kick in and update the attributes as specified. Some thoughts: The api script isn't particularly tied to pcgen, but I can't think of any other use cases beyond pcgen and other software like it. It's also not tied to a particular game mode I'm not using the pcgen pst/lst files if anyone has dealt with them before, because that stuff is a royal pain in the *** to parse As I write this I'm leaning towards generating an html page that base64 encodes the import data after generating the json, the advantage being that roll20 can't get confused by recognizing roll markers/etc in the input This could potentially be a large blob users are going to have to paste in, and I'm worried about limitations on message size in roll20.