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API server on dev seems unresponsive

Hello, As per the title, the API seems down on the DEV servers. I am getting no messages at all, however none of the API commands seem to execute at all. Any help would be appreciated as my entire game is currently based on APIs so now we are stuck... Thanks for any help!
Ok... this is very weird. All of the API scripts work, except for Powercards. What is strange is that I looks like it should be work: Restarting sandbox due to script changes... Spinning up new sandbox... "(24:46) PowerCards version 2.4.9 loaded. Last updated: March 18th, 2015 ~ 10:45 am eastern" None of the Powercards work though, it's like it ignores all !power commands. I tried updating the script, enabling, disabling... either way all !power commands simply do not execute when it was working before.
I only had a few scripts running, but they ran without a glitch for five hours tonight.
I tested again this morning, thinking maybe after a period of inactivity it would reset, but no such luck. Nothing from !power commands, however all other commands seem to work fine. Also still getting the " Unexpected Token s " error every time someone joins after a period of inactivity.
Try disable all the scripts and the re-enable power cards. If it works, start enabling/disabling one script at a time until you figure out which one is causing the problem.
I can confirm that right now we're not seeing any system-wide issues or anything like that.
This is so strange... I went in as HoneyBadger suggested and disabled then re-enabled a very simple health tracker...things started working. What bothers me about this entire situation though is that our entire group had been playing for almost 2 hours with everything running and working perfectly fine. Then poof... all of the sudden the Powercards stopped working. No manner of stopping and restarting would get Powercards running again. I guess the problem is resolved, but it is a bit frustrating to get a problem and have no error or indication that there is a problem, it just stopped working.
There is absolutely something still wrong. I helped another member (once they became mentor) to setup a game using the same scripts. He is having the exact same behavior. In this case I disabled all of the scripts in the sandbox. Re-enabled only Powercards and it doesn't work... it is like it is ignoring !power. This campaign is also set on the DEV server as well.
On DEV Server. I was playing this afternoon with others. One moment, the !power was working then the next, nothing. I looked for an error in the scripts, I even restarted. Everything looked fine, but nothing in game. Nothing was reacting when I click buttons for rolls. Die rolls for the normal game worked, but no !power.
I think that sendChat() is just not working... doing some logging it seems that the commands are going through, but nothing that is calling sendChat() is working. I created a quick and dirty test script to validate this: on("chat:message", function(msg) { if (msg.type !== "api") return; if (msg.content.split(" ", 1)[0] === "!test") { log("test successful") sendChat("Test", "test sendChat function") } }); Nothing comes across in chat on the campaigns that are hung. I remember seeing another complaint where sendChat was not working, but I can't find the thread now.
I can't confirm it yet... but I am starting to suspect that clearing the chat archive may resolve this... but what I don't know is how it happens in the first place.
So I have had two confirmations now (my own and one others) that clearing the chat archive will resolve this issue.
I wonder if there is a limitation to the archive (that feeds back to sendchat) that prevents it from 'showing' in the chat log once it reaches a certain level? That is the only thing I can think of that might cause it.
This can be marked as resolved based on Riley's notes here .
Indeed, this should now be fixed. It was an issue with the Dev server API. Thanks!