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Current Situation

Some of you have noticed that the iOS App is out already, and the Android app is not. The iOS App was submitted to Apple about 3 weeks ago and it took until late last week for it to be approved. During that time, we made a lot of changes to the code base on Roll20, but we weren't able to submit those changes while we were waiting for review. Once it was approved, we decided to post-pone "officially" launching the app because we needed time to release an update to the app to fix these issues (for example, the 3D Dice in the app not matching what was in the chat). So, the bottom-line is that although the iOS App is "available", we don't consider it officially "launched" yet (as such we've been mum on it). Not because we're not excited, but because we needed just a little extra time to get everything 100% perfect. The Android app will be submitted to Google Play this afternoon, and will be available by tomorrow which is when we'll be officially launching both apps with all the fanfare they deserve. Thanks for your patience, and now we know that trying to launch apps on two platforms on the same day is pretty much impossible, so next time we just won't try :P.
Thanks for the update
The last update needed before launch was just submitted to both iOS and Android App stores. Here we go!
Forum Champion
This is a good update. When both apps are out & updated & the fanfare officially comes, we the users will be ready to test, troubleshoot (no doubt), and importantly: to spread the word across other forums, blogs, and inviting our friends & gaming groups to try it.
When you say the update was submitted to the Android app store do you mean published or meerly uploaded?
Searching the Play store is pretty straight forward but just in case anyone has trouble... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>