This is mostly a spur of the moment idea, because I've seen a lot of discussion on the lack of GMs available for the player count, and the need for players to step up and take the role of GM to make their own groups. However, doing this means learning a specific set of skills, and that takes a lot of time and trial-and-error to figure out. So, I figure I'll offer to help out where I can. What I had in mind was basically a one-shot game, possibly more than one session, but not a full campaign. The concept is geared towards new GMs, but not necessarily new players (I would never recommend anyone try GMing before becoming familiar with their relevant ruleset as a player). WHEN: That depends on interest. Currently I have tonight (Monday), Tuesday and Wednesday free. The time would be around 6PM EST at earliest, and I don't mind going late. WHAT SYSTEM: I'm most familiar with Pathfinder and D&D 3.5/4E, but I'll be adding D&D 5E to my repetoire sometime soon. I just haven't had enough time with the system and running games in it to teach it to anyone. We'll be sticking with Pathfinder for this, but I don't plan on it being a "learn the system" thing. It will be about GMing, with advice applicable to any system. WHO SHOULD PLAY: New GMs or players very much interested in picking up the mantle of GM. Current GMs who are struggling or just want a new perspective on the craft. HOW: We'll be playing via Skype and Roll20, obviously. Everyone should come with a microphone and be prepared to ask questions. Bear in mind, this is still speculative. If people are interested, let me know here. Leave a Skype name for contact (or PM it to me), as well as which day you'll be available this week of the three I have set aside. If there's enough interest right away, then I'll get everything started as soon as I can.