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QR Code

I downloaded the app on my iPad, and before I can join the campaign it says I have to scan the QR Code. Well my GM pressed the show barcode button, but it would not show up on anyone else's screen. Only he (GM) could see it. No one else had the button to show it either. Are we doing something wrong?
The purpose of the QR code is to display it on the GM's device so players can then scan the image with their own devices' cameras off the GM's screen.
It's not actually necessary to scan the QR code (I guess the idea is to make it a bit easier for a bunch of people sat around a table). If you've joined the campaign the normal way via the website then it should show up as a campaign you can just click on to join.
So basically if I have joined a campaign with some friends who don't live close to me, then I can not use my ipad cause I have to see my GM's screen?
Could you have your gm take a picture and text the picture of the qr code to you, rather clunky solution but hey you get the code.
The QR code is an optional experimental tool. You can join campaign just as you always have via your GM sending you an invite link over chat, email, personal IM, or other.
I'll try that. Thanks!