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Selecting a target

All of my macros reference @target. This does not appear to work. Is there a solution I am missing?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
At this time, the mobile app cannot interact with the map, meaning no @target or @selected.

Edited 1428142631
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Brian said: At this time, the mobile app cannot interact with the map, meaning no @target or @selected. Is there any plans to fix this? Especially for initiative macros that add the token to the initiative order? It's a quite common macro.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Riley said ( here ): Yeah we definitely need to figure out something for the selected_token stuff. For &{tracker} it's simple enough (just don't auto-add anything to the tracker) but for other stuff I'm not sure what to do. Maybe allow you to select something on the turn tracker page? I'll look into the refresh issue for the Abilities/Attributes tab. In theory it should be instant. And yes we're planning to add a way to use your Macros on the tablet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I recall a comment about working out a way for initiative macros to work from the app, but @target and @selected won't work until and unless the map itself is added to the app, at which point you might as well just use the browser. I believe the app is more designed towards a group of friends gaming together in-person, using the app for character sheets, handouts, and dice rather than the full Roll20 experience, but I've been wrong before. =)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
How are sheets expected to handle the lack of "selected"? Obviously we could remove it, but that would prevent the macros working as desired on desktop. Is there any way to conditionally remove it if a map doesn't exist?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark said: Is there any way to conditionally remove it if a map doesn't exist? No. You could provide alternate macro buttons, of course. You could even include a checkbox along with logic to show/hide the alternate buttons based on the user's selection.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Brian said: No. You could provide alternate macro buttons, of course. You could even include a checkbox along with logic to show/hide the alternate buttons based on the user's selection. Checkbox was my immediate solution, but I'm hoping that there may be another way. It's unlikely though.
Even if the map were not available, A list of available targets to choose from would be nice and possible easier to implement. I prefer having my players select a target so that there is no calling a shot after the fact. "Oh I rolled a crit?, I meant to attack the boss, not the minion" kind of thing. So the apps lose their usefulness to me without this feature. Bummer
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
To quote Riley from the 'map on tablet' thread: Riley D. said: Note that we do offer the "full experience" on tablets if that's what you want, it's just via the browser rather than the native apps. See here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1428654293
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ziechael said: To quote Riley from the 'map on tablet' thread: Riley D. said: Note that we do offer the "full experience" on tablets if that's what you want, it's just via the browser rather than the native apps. See here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The problem is that sheets now have to manage the difference between the versions. I can handle this case (with a checkbox which is a mediocre usability choice), but other things like CSS styling I cannot handle as there have been no tools provided. To improve this situation rolls with @{selected should try without @{selected when using a version that doesn't have selected available.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Very true and I'm not even going to pretend to be able to add to that particular issue, my response was for the benefit of the OP and others concerned about not being able to select targets/selected tokens on the map sorry :) I think your idea of a checkbox has real legs though, as you say it would have minor affect on the usability of the sheets overall =D Good luck

Edited 1428655138
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ziechael said: I think your idea of a checkbox has real legs though, as you say it would have minor affect on the usability of the sheets overall =D Good luck It's already done and works. It's just less than ideal.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In a world of imperfection sometimes all we can hope for is 'working' but i totally get your point, the beauty of roll20 is that things that are workarounds now have a habit of not being required 6 months in the future lol. That's mainly down to people like you who push the boundaries and find the issues in the first place :)
Actoba has already implemented a system for his 5e sheet that allows a checkbox, so that isn't a problem. My problem is I don't want my players to uncheck it. The experience of the mobile site on a tablet, especially when it comes to selecting a target, is to cumbersome to be convenient. The truth is, I've really only got 1 player who has a tablet and doesn't have a second monitor. So it ended up not making much practical difference for me. I still think a dropdown list of targets would be nice, but I realize the required development time is probably not worth it.

Edited 1430433100
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Ken: There is no such Target AC on Actoba's 5e sheet. There is one on my 5e shaped sheet. Mobile can't select a target at all as there is no map to select from. Dropdowns of all targets on the map isn't technically possible on desktop and wouldn't be possible on mobile as there is no map.
@Ken: There is no such Target AC on Actoba's 5e sheet. There is one on my 5e shaped sheet. I didn't say this. I said he had a system for checkboxes where you can enable/disable options aspects of a roll. Mobile can't select a target at all as there is no map to select from. Dropdowns of all targets on the map isn't technically possible on desktop and wouldn't be possible on mobile as there is no map I realize this, that is why my last post said I thought it would be too hard to implement.
You could write an api script to get a list of all tokens on the map and use api buttons to attack that target.