Would like to suggest two new stickies.... 1) Recommended Common Code Snippets This is a "locked" thread that only Aaron adds post to. An unindexed list of code snippets that will one day find their way to the wiki or are just really useful discovered or clever examples of code. Example: fixedRotaion = fixAngle(obj.get("rotation")) //fixes a tokens rotation value to nearest degree of: 0,45,90,135,180,225,270, or 315 fixAngle = function(angle){ return (Math.round(angle/45)*45)%360 + (angle<0 ? 360 : 0); }, Another one that would have been here is the "fixnewobject" one we were all using. 2) Suggested Common Code Snippets This is a unlocked thread to argue about what should go into "Recommended Common Code Snippets." Might be good ideas here, however for whatever reason they are not recommended (to specialized, to large, to "whatever.") The creator (or co-creators) would be responsible for making a clear code snippet to go into the "Recommended Common Code Snippets." (So Aaron only has to copy and paste.) I know this could be a lot of work for Aaron, however I am ok with that.