Cory said: Hey Rhino. Great work btw, your sheets have been invaluable. Just one question. I'm trying to use the initiative for the GM sheet but every time I try to roll it states in the chat, "Please update character name field" Where so I do this. I've put names everywhere I can, it's literally driving me insane. Please update character name field indicates that the Character sheet you are trying to call, does not have the name field filled in. When you are expecting to call a separate sheet, you need to fill out at minimum 3 areas; The Name of the Character Sheet This is the name that appears on the top of the Character Sheet. It is also what is displayed in the Journal. The Name of the Character This is the "Name" in the Character Info Tab of the Character Sheet Tab of the Character Sheet itself. Open the Character Sheet Look at the tabs at the top, click the far left one, titled "Character Sheet" Below the Top Stats, Dice Pool, and Destiny Pool, there is another set of tabs. Look for the one labeled "Character Info" On this tab there is a "Name" field this must match the field in step 1 exactly. No extra spaces, or extra characters. The field you are expecting to call Whatever field you are expecting to call, should have some sort of value in it. =) I added this information to the Wiki