As always, you can catch me live HERE: <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/askren25" rel="nofollow">http://www.twitch.tv/askren25</a> So in an effort to be more productive with my map making (the more I finish, the more free battlemaps you guys get), I'm considering doing a regular thing on Tuesdays, hopefully bringing you guys a new project each week. The feedback I'm really looking for is more about interaction with potential viewers. I don't do much talking as I work, usually I have TV or something on to keep me busy, and I assume no one wants to listen to me ramble as I mess around in Photoshop for hours. I'm interested to hear if there's people who actually want to hear real commentary, the techniques and processes used explained. Basically; Talking or no talking? Anyway, got some interesting projects to continue this week, so stop by and let me know what you want to see.