Total Gold and Experience for the adventure was: 0gp and 26,675xp 25,025xp All player characters each earned: 0gp and 4,446xp 4,171xp Naral receives a bonus +10% xp of 445xp for record keeping and 500gp from tale-telling. If you had a companion, you are required to share 1/2 your share of gold with them and can share any amount of XP. If you are a Temple priest, you must additionally tithe 10% of your share of gold to the Temple. ***************************************************************** Players Present: John/Curtis, Jesse/Naral, Kevin/Gorg, Amanda/Aoife/Thea(?), Adrian/Tamrat, Rich/Ramkus. Hirelings/Henchman: Doogan, Inigo,Herbert (Shield-bearer), Taggert (Shield-Bearer) and Wolford (Swordsman). The day began with the party searching for warm bodies to hire, due to the fact that most of their friends are taking a hiatus from adventuring. The party was not pleased with the sultry hirelings in Whale Town, so they decided to go to Strongmoor to get some skilled fighters. The trip to Strongmoor was uneventful and the party headed for one of the crowded inns that mercenaries and henchman loiter around to look for work. The group was halted on the streets as a large dark skinned man in heavy armor approached Curtis to offer him compliments on his looks and invite him out to a "romantic evening" with him. Curtis politely refused and to his surprise, he was lifted off of his feet and thrown over the man's shoulder. Naral, not wanting to cause trouble with the town, called the gaurd and asked for help. They informed her that the man was the Strongmoor Gladiator Champion, Cosby, and that they wouldn't help and gave her permission to try to stop him. So after a short battle, the "Champion" fell to the ground unconscious as Thea cleaned her dagger and Naral called a slackjawed group of gaurds to help Cosby. The party completed their mission without incident and began their travel to Baalor by way of a Stygian merchant vessel. All was calm until the boat was set upon by two giant squids, one was dispatched by Curtis's fireball, and the other's tentacles were blasted apart by the hot plasma of Naral's magic missles after a few rounds of combat. Once the ship was repaired the group continued to the island with intentions to travel to the lower floors to fight Vamps. They arrive just before dusk and enter the palace through the front doors. Shortly after they enter they decide to camp in one of the rooms they have cleared to avoid running into Vamps during the night. During the 4th watch a noise was heard shortly that awoke everyone, followed by complete, dead silence. The party waited and eventually the doors were beat upon by unknown creatures. There were some ideas thrown around, one was to retreat to secret rooms so we could avoid whatever it was, but that was shot down by blood thirsty clerics and fighters, and a plan was hatched to throw open the doors and cast a spell at whatever it was. So the group opened the doors and Curtis wound up to throw a fireball, which was nullified by the silence that flooded the room. A hoard of skeletons and zombies streamed into the room and a fierce battle ensued. After struggling and being bitten multiple times, the party decided to go with the smart and clever person's original idea, and headed for the secret rooms. The party went through multiple secret rooms and passages, eventually emerging at the chained entrance to the southern tower. Curtis and Naral moved to flank the plague of undead alone. At the first hint of movement, Curtis silently unleashed a Fireball from his magical staff, burning a large group of undead to a crisp. They continued onwards to the intersection of the hallway and were met with the sight of skeletons and zombies meandering around the hallway between them and the entrance. A tall armor clad Zombie issued a silent command and two zombies drug Curtis to the ground. Naral ignored that and rushed the undead Knight with her battleaxe after Curtis hurled a second fireball at the Knight Zombie. She failed and was rescued by the party as they killed the Knight and the remaining undead. Tired out and beat up, they decided to head back to whale town. Halfway to the dock a freak storm rolled in. A tornado formed and was quickly sent towards Fire mountain with the help of Aoife and her Blessed Staff of Air. two hail storms followed, one was meager and ineffective against the party but the other were sizable hailstones that dented the ground when they fell. The party fought through it and returned to Whale Town, with everyone of importance alive and well. Creatures and Loot 10 HD Fighting Man 2 6 HD Giant Squids 68 1 HD Skeletons 72 2 HD Zombies 1 7 HD Silent Knight*** EDIT: Thanks for the correction Amanda.