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Folders in addition to Tags for ALL Resource Management

Score + 530
Hey, yeah, thanks for giving us folders for your character sheets and journals. How about doing the same for the Art Library? And the Maps pages? The Jukebox?
Forum Champion
Phnord Prephect said: How about doing the same for the Art Library? And the Maps pages? The Jukebox? And the Macros, under the settings tab.
Yes! I knew I forgot something...
As per my post in The Other Place, I'm all for more folders everywhere!
a hearty +1!
I totally agree with folders in the map and asset libraries! I play rather large games (hence my recent update to mentor level subby yay!) and sometimes finding specific locations in my map section is mind numbing. :P
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Count me in on a vote for BOTH folders and playlist in the jukebox. Also a folder for maps/dropdowns would be another great addition. and while im at it the ability to transfer entire folders throughout the transmognifier would be great. For music, maps, and sheets. I have over 300 NPC/Monster sheets in a "Vault campaign I have put a ton of time into. To individually search and drag all of these is a pain and time consuming. I hope this idea is considered. Thank you and dont forget about the Transmognifier!
All of my +1's for this. All of them. Even just folders in the jukebox would make my game so much easier to run.
1+'d I agree we NEED folders, will make better organization
Folders rock.

Edited 1433770908
I give all of my +1 votes to this. I get lost in my art library sometimes and I still have a lot of stuff I need to upload.
I would still like to see folders done in a more gmail style where the folders really represent tags, allowing for an item to be in more than one folder.
Yes, yes, and yes again, would help me find and prep campaigns muuuuuuuch faster

Edited 1434621806
Yes. Double Yes Please.
Came here from a similar thread on folders for the jukebox, would love to see them everywhere. Adding in my vote :)
I don't understand how this it not already a thing. We need folders for music, art libraries and tokens. My time in creating maps, dungeons etc is probably doubled if not tripled just having to rummage through a huge single folder for map tiles and tokens.
Yes. Yes. Yes. :)
Yes, please! Folders are a must when it comes to being able to organize assets. Tag-based systems are nice, but unless you can organize things into a hierarchy they just don't quite cut it. I will note that if we could have nested tags for the asset library, I could live without folders in that case. See Gmail's labels/sub-labels feature for how this could work without implementing folders as a separate taxonomy. On a related note, I posted another suggestion related to this one with suggestions for improving the asset library specifically. I'd love additional feedback and +1 from people who think my mock-ups are a good start toward something better. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
+1 At a bare minimum, I'd love to have the ability to archive macros in the right sidebar settings tab much like character sheets, hand-outs and map pages. Ideally, for me, being able to create folders with one level of sub-folders for macros would be perfect. Coloring them could be useful to some, but not necessary; that can be handled with proper naming.
I'd also welcome folders for the roll tables and decks! I'm running a game with many, many decks, and there's no way to organize them (beyond entering them in the order you want). Folders would be much appreciated.
+1 And I can only imagine and the wonderful sigh of relief that would be had by those who don't check the forums. There would be so many more +1's.
+1. Having folders for the pages would be especially helpful to me.
Really Really love Roll20 but.... Please Please give us some way to better organize our purchased materials. Heck they are bundled when you buy them but you have no way of even going back and seeing them as a group again after the purchase. Example you purchase a Pack say "Vile Tiles" I can go back and click on Vile Tiles pack from the "My Library, Purchased" and they are organized by the pack I bought them with. The problem is you can't use them from there &nbsp;which is doubly annoying.&nbsp; As I use Roll20 more it is getting very annoying to manage my purchased content. It would seem like this would be an easy WIN for Roll20 and help increase purchasing. I have pretty much stopped purchasing from MarketPlace in favor of keeping my art offline in folders I can get to quickly and upload as needed. &nbsp;The ability to better organize my art into folders is a must have !
Here Here! As both a DM and Player, I would LOVE to have easier ways to Find what I need NOW! Particularly since I'm trying to Podcast one of my Campaigns I'm annoyed when I have to search for something in the middle of a Session and not being sure what "Tag' it might be under, if it is even ON my Roll20 Library at all. As a Player, I would Love to be able to Orginize my Macros. In one of the Game I play in, I play Two different PCs at different times. So, having a Folder for my Dwarven Cleric and another one for my Pixie Warlord would be WONDERFUL! GF
Same here, please give us the&nbsp;possibility to create folders within our library. Thanks a lot!
Folders (or any sort of organization) for maps/pages are desperately needed for campaigns that have over a dozen. I currently have to drag and drop the playersโ€™ bookmark multiple times when a map change occurs.

Edited 1453821999
TEN MONTHS&nbsp; a thread on this subject was closed under the premise that folders were going to be added to everything else (including the art library). Riley D. said: Folders are now live in Update of Holding for the journal. We'll continue to expand this functionality to other aspects of the interface as well such as the page toolbar and the Jukebox. I'm going to go ahead and mark this as Completed since the general idea is now in Roll20 it's only a matter of us continuing to expand/polish it. Personally, I think that&nbsp; thread&nbsp; should get un-completed since the mark has been missed thoroughly at this point.&nbsp; Can we get some kinda commitment to completing the process of adding folders to the art library, and timeline for when we can expect updates on the status, milestones on progress, and ultimately completion of the project?&nbsp; I'll buy a year pro subscription if I get folders in my effing art library. :| Seriously.
+1 to folders and +1 for proper tag-filter searching I'm co-GM with a friend who've I've teamed with before - but this is the first time via a VTT. As such, I'm accruing a fair bit of material in my Library... Yet today after double-checking my tags to have some uniformity - I discovered that it's not very helpful. example: I have a dungeon map with Sphinx in the name. I also have a token of a Sphinx NPC. Using the keyword "Sphinx" as below yields: When i do a search under "tokens" - the Dungeon map comes up as well as the token. If I do a search under "maps" - the token appears! If I'm NOT doing something incorrectly with my tags, it appears that 1. a Folder system would be real nice, since I don't need or want to see every item in "my library" & 2. correct the tag & search function. If I choose "map" in the dropdown, type a keyword, I should get ONLY the items marked w the tag "map" + keyword showing as part of my library. Not *everything* with the entered keyword.
Being able to organise art assets (both uploaded and purchased) in my Art Library would streamline how I GM my games immensely. Consider this a vote, a +1, a recommendation, a plea, anything that would help.
This. I have way too many rollable tables and no way of organizing them.
+1 to folders for maps
I have many resources I use for DMing that are uploaded to the Library. Paying the higher subscription to have more upload space seems ridiculous when there is not a better file management system for the Library. I have tilesets of different themes and being able to just dump them all into a folder or mass-tag them would be far better. I understand roll20 wants people to make purchases from the Marketplace but there are often no tilesets available for what I am looking for for my game. PLEASE add either a folders or mass-tagging option (ideally, both) to the Library.
Forum Champion
Vyxxi said: PLEASE add either a folders or mass-tagging option (ideally, both) to the Library. Vyxxi (and anyone who has Pro subscription active), look on the Pro Forum of Roll20 for the announcement and testing of Image Library Rework. You can test it now on the Dev Server. Dev Update 6/14: Image Library Rework
Folders for maps and macros defenitly get a +1 from me!
And Tables, mine are getting out of hand
I would absolutely love folders for my maps, after several years of using roll20 I still don't understand how to use tags properly and that means if I ever need to revisit an old map it can take me several minutes to find it in my campaigns that have been going on for awhile.
I strongly support that notion!
I would like this expanded further, the current folder system is nice, but having actual folders would be better. &nbsp;A more user friendly drag and drop experience like in normal OS, on a grid, instead of in the list format we currently have. Reason for this is my particular list is now 50 items long for "NPC" "Walls" etc, with everything inside. and if you SubFolder it to try to help it, all you get is a longer string of messes. &nbsp; &nbsp; It's a good start though! I do love it!
+1 I would like to have the ability to create new folders in the Create New Map section. I like to use a lot of images showing off environments and buildings but it is getting annoying to scroll past many maps to get to the one I need. (And I would rather not delete them in case if I need to re use them)
+1 after using so much macros now in my own made templates, which is really cool, i slowly noticed, if i create ALL the macros i need for a whole set of for example weapons and talents macros, i need to scroll a lot, to get to decks oder role tables (for now drag down and scroll up is going to be my solution for that). It would be great, if we could put marcos into folder, just to organize it better. Thanks if ur going to look up for it and ofc thank you for your great work. I really love roll20 and cant imagine modern tabletop rpg without it :)&nbsp;
Folders of Pages would be amazing, +1
Please make a macro folder, thank you.
Map folders please. I have multiple campaigns worth of maps, and without tags or folders it is getting to be a bit cumbersome. My archive is HUGE!
Agreed, especially for maps!&nbsp; Added my thoughts to this other related forum:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
I could really use a folders system for all my rollable tables.&nbsp;
Would really really love to see folders for the area browser, it quickly becomes cluttered in games with more 10+ areas.
+1 Folders for maps and macros would be an absolute godsend. Considering how many macros a DM is likely to have in a given game and that they tend to have very abbreviated names in order to fit as many onto the screen as possible, it gets pretty confusing pretty quickly. Being able to sort them by encounter or monster type would do wonders for clarity. Likewise, that map bar at the top gets very long, very quickly. I think giving them a section in the right sidebar with the handouts, chat thread, macros, etc, would make it a lot easier to sort through them.
Asha L. said: +1 Folders for maps and macros would be an absolute godsend. Considering how many macros a DM is likely to have in a given game and that they tend to have very abbreviated names in order to fit as many onto the screen as possible, it gets pretty confusing pretty quickly. Being able to sort them by encounter or monster type would do wonders for clarity. Likewise, that map bar at the top gets very long, very quickly. I think giving them a section in the right sidebar with the handouts, chat thread, macros, etc, would make it a lot easier to sort through them. I agree I could really use some folders for my macros. It's a mess!
I wish I could apply all my votes to just this one thing. &nbsp;I hate to gripe, but this suggestion is over two years old. I get it that there's a lot of suggestions and limited time and resources... and list sorting and the like isn't exactly the sexiest stuff to work on... but this cuts right to basic functionality. &nbsp;Object management is kind of fundamental. Forget anything fancy, like folders... that there are still assets that you can't sort even alphabetically is blowing my mind. That, to me, should have been bare minimum organizational structure for any user assets from day one; we're pushing five years.&nbsp;
Map folders would be dreamy