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Syntax Error when attacking in 5e

I don't know if anyone else is having this same problem but whenever my players or myself try auto attacking from the Dungeons and Dragons 5e Character Sheet we get an error saying SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but end of input found. Could anyone please explain what this is and how to fix it? We played three different times in a week and the first two times everything was fine but the third time we encountered this problem. Any help regarding this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Try filling in the 'crit damage' as a die My players and I had the same issue but once we put in a die value it worked
Wow Jake! That was one easy fix. I wonder why it started doing it all of a sudden. Either way you helped me out a bunch. Thanks man!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Shawn K. said: Wow Jake! That was one easy fix. I wonder why it started doing it all of a sudden. Either way you helped me out a bunch. Thanks man! It has done it since it was created on the default sheet. Not sure if you're using the Shaped sheet or not, but I plan to revamp the weapons soon.
Okay so this totally worked except my rolls are WAAAAY off now. Like, I'm getting numbers that are far higher than they possibly could be on the attack and damage rolls. Is this a known issue? Or am I just doing something completely wrong?
I am getting it that way too, it seems like it is doubling the damage dice just like the attack dice
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I am not seeing this on either the live version (25th Apr) or the current version (3rd May). I tested a Halberd. Attack: Level 1 = 2 prof. I had 2 str mod. Attack stat set to Str. To hit reads 4. Damage: 1d10 in the "Damage dice field". Crit damage is 1d10. Attack ranges from 5-24 and Damage ranges from 3-12 as expected. Can you please provide further details what you're seeing.
Sheet Author
The original error is caused by a blank entry in the recently (several weeks ago) added crit damage field in the weapons section. Previously, critical damage was simply auto calculated as matching whatever was entered in the damage dice field. But now, to allow for racial/class/item modifications to crit damage, the crit damage is now player controllable......What I should have done though is set a default value on the field (to 0) so that it wouldnt cause errors if you hadnt filled it in (i'll update this in a future release). The splitting out of the crit damage is also useful now that we can conditionally show/hide the crit damage using the new roll template system. I havent heard any other reports of problems with the weapons section so if you continue to have problems with it please post a screenshot of the core stats page, the weapon page and an example output from the using one of the wepon macros where it shows the problem (if you can mouseover the problem field while you take the screenshot so the screenshot of the output shows the calculation that would help too). With this I should be able to see what, if anything, is going wrong.
I had this problem but setting a crit die fixed it.
Thanks this fixed my problem. It was driving me crazy.