I use Handouts exhaustively... my current problem is that i have so many handouts the only way to keep organized is to have them in folders or a master "handout list" handout.... the more handouts you have the slower r20 gets for my groups. but performance increases if these handouts are archived! my idea is to add the ability to hide/show information similar to the way "Spoiler" options do for forums, Example using D&D 5e classes: Classes: [Show] Barbarian [Show] Bard when " Show " is clicked in the handout body, the " spoiler " type box expands to show the contents, that could contain images / text / links to other handouts .. Classes: <Hide> Barbarian [Show] Level Progression Chart [Show] Features [Show] Archetypes [Show] Bard Screen real-estate is expensive on desktops and laptops alike! flooding the r20 window with 3-4 layers of handouts clutters the place, and using the "popout handouts" option in the cogwheel settings lags my laptop down due to too many windows being open (char sheets for PC/NPC's / handouts / images). Accessing a spell description handout at the moment goes like this for me: Master Link List > Classes > Cleric > Class Spell List > 1st Level Spells > Cure Wounds or Master Link List > Spells > Alphabetical > C: > Cure Wounds As you can see this pops up a lot of unneeded handouts on the screen. Please feel free to contribute to other ways handouts could be improved upon! i welcome discussion on the topic of "Handouts". Yours Truly, that overworking DM from that Game you played that time in that place. EDIT with after thought: perhaps if we could "popout" the journal itself, or sections of it... to a different window it wouldn't be so bad. because two windows is better than 5-10 windows.