I am a map making fanatic... Nothing makes a game, in my opinion, more immersive than when your map looks good. So I tweak and I twitch and I shift and I place, and I come up with some pretty impressive things. This is the Gladius, a map for my Star Wars Saga Edition game, and it is made completely from public roll20 assets, for example: (That is a cropped screen shot of it, as my players would see it if the dynamic lighting were turned off. Made as much to scale as possible, so that sucker is kinda big.) Anyway, I use a lot of layering and such to get it to look just right. In this case, the map layer actually consists of around, I'd say, 5 layers? I have to do a lot of playing around with the "To Front" and "To Back" to do it, and that makes it really hard at times. I wish that I had multiple "map layers" that I could select. Of if instead of just "To Front" and "To Back" I had things like, "Down One" or "Up One" These maps already take me 2, sometimes 3, hours to put together. (That isn't counting the stuff on the GM layer of course) We know that multiple layers already exist, or we couldn't multi-layer and then manipulate it by "To Front" and "To Back" but we have no easy interface to access it. For me, even using the "To Back" and "To Front" Method, I think the minimum number of map layers should be at least 4. 1. Background 2. Walls 3. Platforms 4. Features This would, not only, make making maps from the bits and pieces of public assets easier, but it would allow people to customize maps to their needs instead of just buying flat pre-made maps and then shoe horning their game into them. Also this doesn't limit maps to just a few genres, which is a great thing because you have some slim pickings if you aren't doing fantasy around here.