Josh C. said:
I get an impression from what I read in Coal Powered Puppet's post that there maybe away to create a page and see it with these Roll20 defaults. I am interested in knowing, what do I have to implement to get the same presentation?
You'll want base.css and app.css, and I believe bootstrap.js as well. That should set you up for the styles. If you want to test your autocalc fields or make your repeating sections actually repeat, you'll need to write your own JavaScript for that.
Also remember that all of your selectors in your CSS file will be prepended with ".charsheet" if it's not already present (which practically speaking just means you can't style anything that isn't on the sheet), and all CSS classes which appear in your HTML will be prepended with "sheet-" if it's not already there (meaning you must have "sheet-" in your CSS file).
Finally, here's a skeleton HTML body to make sure the content of your sheet is nested properly in the parent containers it'll see on the actual tabletop (I believe this is the correct code, it's been a while since I pulled it):
<div class="ui-dialog ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-helper-clearfix">
<span class="ui-dialog-title">Custom Character Sheet</span>
<div class="ui-dialog-content">
<form class="sheetform">
<div id="charsheet" class="charsheet">