Dungeon exploring party seeks Player applications for 2-3 spots in a game TODAY! On Wednesday May 20 this is effectively a one-shot game... On Thursday May 21 we may continue playing follow-up from Wednesday's session, or run again with a different party It is an open table campaign ("West Marches style") meaning you can keep your PC in the game after the session and play your PC again in a future one-shot. The title of our campaign is "Explore Dungeons Inside A Strange World!" BFRPG, Roll20, Skype, Mic, No Cam, New Players Welcome if you follow this entire message We use Roll20 for the tabletop! We use Skype for the Voice. Must have a Skype account and mic ready. Please Mute yourself when you are not speaking. No camera. No video for this. New Players Welcome provided you meet the qualifications listed in this LFG. New Players or experienced gamers -- same requirements and qualifications. First read this entire message, second read the recommended pages of the Basic Fantasy rule book, third write your application and post it here. Old School dungeon crawling gameplay style Dungeon crawl gameplay style. Old-school black & white dungeon map. It is a game of survival, roleplaying, exploration, monsters, traps, treasure, experience, magic. The rules are basic and light. The dungeons are deep and dark. Rules system: Basic Fantasy RPG (FREE PDF) also inspired by Advanced D&D and the Old School Revival. You do not need to know AD&D or read it, to play this campaign. The gameplay style is BASIC and relatively light on rules. We do not depend on grids very much but there is a map, and a token to move your character around the rooms. We use descriptions, theater of the mind, light (non-deep) role playing, and narrative combat. Humor is welcome. We like to laugh. We keep it friendly for all. Welcoming group. Non-hostile player interactions. No PvP. No evil characters. No rules lawyering. The Game Master decides rulings. Creativity, voices, portraits and pictures are welcome, encouraged, spotlighted. Download Basic Fantasy core rules PDF (free from BFRPG website) Download the free BFRPG core rules, direct from their website, <a href="http://basicfantasy.org/download.cgi/Basic-Fantasy" rel="nofollow">http://basicfantasy.org/download.cgi/Basic-Fantasy</a>... Read Closely Pages 1-12, and the Attack Bonus Table on Page 46 of the BFRPG book linked above. This will be enough essential information to create your character. Read skimming pages 13-53 of the BFRPG book lined above, to get a better explanation of playing the game. APPLICATION TO JOIN THE GAME: Up to 3 applications will be accepted today. Additional applications may be accepted for future game sessions (as yet unscheduled). Copy-Paste the lines below. Fill in the details. Answer the short survey. Post your application in this thread, or send as Private Message to Gold. Either way. Roll20 Name: Character Name: Character species ('race'): (You will find there are 4 to choose from in BFRPG). Character class: (You will find there are 4 classes in BFRPG, choose 1, no multiclassing) Starting XP: +8000 XP for character creation. Have you looked up what 8000 XP means on Page 7-8 of BFRPG? LEVEL: _______ Look up your level in the BFRPG book according to your Class having 8000 XP. Attack Bonus (from Page 46 of BFRPG according to your class and level): Type of Armor you want to wear: Favorite type of Weapon you want to wield: Second favorite type of weapon you also want to carry: Physical description of your character (20 words or less, tell what the character would look like, "You see a....."): Availability -- What times can you play today (May 20)? Include your time zone or convert to USA time zones. Availability -- What times can you play tomorrow (May 21)? Include your time zone or convert to USA time zones. Availability -- If you cannot play today or tomorrow, but you want to play this another day in the future, please mention that in your application. THE END. Take your time. Answer all the questions above, only if you are highly interested and really want to play after reading this entire message. Thanks for your consideration. Happy exploring!