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Seriously. Is anyone running a super heroes game?

I really, truly, seriously want to play in a super heroes game. But I can never find one. I have three standing characters I'd like to play: Napalm, a troubled youth with a fiery temper. Blur, a high school cheerleader with superspeed and all the problems that come with that. And for a more comedic bend, the super villainous Dr. Bane, single father and master of posions. I really want to explore the powers a hero has, the consequences of those powers, and the person behind the cape. I prefer a more X-men/Runaways style game with a group of younger characters dealing with their powers and the world around them. As for rules, I really did not enjoy when I tried Mutants and Masterminds. Other than that, I'm pretty flexible providing I can access the books and can be taught. Any takers?
If you find one, I'd love to play with you! I rarely see any available.
Why not try and start one? I'd be down to play as well. Though I still need to learn alot.
ten thousand wanna be heroes for each GM.
well i've heard of superhero tabletop but like every other tabletop games i have never played or participated in one because i'm a newbie and all that. But if you guys want to make one, i'd be willing to learn and join... But i wanna be an AntiHero or a Villain.
The games come up quite often, but they fill quickly and tend to fold quickly.
Experienced Game Master here. Experienced with Supers, in fact, Supers is my favorite genre. I am new to Rol20. My preferred system is Mutants & Masterminds second edition. I have spent most of my GM career teaching people new to role playing and new to several systems, so inexperience with Mutants & Masterminds is not an issue for me. I like my campaigns to focus on exploring character personalities and their relationships with the world. I am not a big fan of killing things and taking their stuff. Nothing wrong with other play styles, just not my preference. I also do not play well with power gamers. Again, not saying there is anything wrong with that method of gaming. Just being honest about my preferences. I would love to run a Supers campaign for a small group that leans just a little more towards Soap Opera than Summer Block Buster. Don't get me wrong, there should be plenty of spectacular fight scenes. What is the point of having awesome powers if you never get to blow something up? But the meat of the game should be why the characters do what they do, not how many city blocks they have leveled. I am in the Central Time Zone. Saturday evenings and Sundays during the day would be my best availability. I have a career and family so things will come up time to time. So who is still interested?
Hello, new player here, I have currently only played 2 sessions of role-playing heavy games and I would be interested in joining your game, if you still have a place for me. What I lack in experience I make up with learning fast and asking questions (so brace yourselves). I hope you reply either via personal message or on skype @ algidaloclac . I am at GMT +3 and can work with Sundays during the day as Court has mentioned.
I believe we would have an 8 hour difference, Eftihia. That could prove troublesome.
I could work with the time, as long as it is past 14:00 your timezone. (if I am calculating correctly)
I think I could work with that (Sundays 14:00 at UTC-5).

Edited 1432440064
Saturday might work for me. Think there's a couple of hours hours difference? I'm UTC+08:00 Edit: I would be able to work with the Sundays at 14:00
I think that is possible for me also!
I would be more than happy to play a game like that! And I'm usually free whenever so Saturday or Sunday is good for me. So yeah I'd love to participate.
I can probably do a Sunday game, Court. I would prefer to try something other than M&M though, since I really didn't enjoy it when I tried it.
Scooter C. said: I can probably do a Sunday game, Court. I would prefer to try something other than M&M though, since I really didn't enjoy it when I tried it. Mutants and Masterminds is my system of choice. I have found, if you want a particular system, you have to run it yourself. Enough people have expressed interest, so I have contacted them to set up a campaign. I am sorry it was not what you were looking for, Scooter. I wish you good luck with your search.
But how do I play in a game if I have to run it myself? M&M is your system choice, not mine.
I am interested in joining or forming a superhero/villain game if anyone else is, if nothing is certain yet I would suggest a system that involves both the opinions of heroes and villains. I have a few of them but look up the system Better Angels Scooter
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
IF an Icons game is formed, I'm interested. I have the Icons-Assembled edition and have read it some but never played it. I'm central and sat or sun evenings are perfect for me. While I prefer text, I have a headset so I could do voice (video if needed but prefer not to). Teen Titans, Young Justice (Not watched), or X-men Evolution style is fine with me also especially if it is four-color style campaign.

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I fell out of love with m&m, fights take way too long. There are lots of flexible people as well, Ken
If you guys would be willing to accept a new player (who hasn't played any of the super hero systems) I'd definitely be in. I'm in the CST time zone and Saturday/Sunday evenings would work amazingly for me. I love Marvel/DC universe lore and comics so there wouldn't be a problem with my losing interest. I know the most about Teen Titans, but X-Men and Young Justice are favorites as well

Edited 1436810706
I only have Mon/Tues free sadly, but wish you folks the best of luck! For best results not leading to 5 people joining bone of whom have the same time free, put day and time in the listing. Ones without a date/time I don't generally even look at, same with LFDM.
Unfortunately, I am moving to Japan in a couple of weeks, and I have no idea how I'm going to deal with the time zone change at this time. If the offer's still on the table in a few months after I'm settled and know what my time constraints are, I'd love to join.
I am also interested, although I've never played ICONS it doesn't look that complicated. I'm CST and any day except Friday and Sunday as long as the game doesn't go to late.
I'm also up for some super hero games if anyone is still offering.
You could always use the "Four Color" Fate Accelerated RPG...but I feel as if a lot of you are set on ICON
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The Question said: You could always use the "Four Color" Fate Accelerated RPG...but I feel as if a lot of you are set on ICON That would work also as I'm wanting to learn fate also.
You'll need Fate Accelerated, though since it's pay what you want you COULD not pay anything...but it's only $5, and FCFAE is free on DrivethruRPG
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I have FATE and FAE. Reading them when I get time to.
I feel that Sunday is my only free time even though this does look interesting.
Sunday evening is probably ok, its just a relatively busy morning/afternoon for me.
Hello gentle fork, Me and a friend want to play some superheroic games. If anyone is interested we'd love to play in something with superheroes. Please take a moment to take a look at my resume' Here.