Hello fellow roll20 users, I have some problems with the usage of a roll template I am trying to adapt. It is based off the World of Darkness template located in the template examples of the wiki and I am trying to make it work for Call of Cthulhu. During the adaptation I have stumbled on some things that I have no idea how to fix. First off, here is the current template code in HTML <rolltemplate> <table> <tr><th>{{name}} rolls{{#roll_name}} {{roll_name}}{{/roll_name}}</th></tr> <tr><td> {{#attr}} {{attr}}({{attr_num}}) {{/attr}} {{#skill}} + {{skill}}({{skill_num}}) {{/skill}} {{#pwr}} + {{pwr}}({{pwr_num}}) {{/pwr}} {{#mod_num}} + Modifiers({{mod_num}}) {{/mod_num}} </td></tr> <tr> <td>{{result}} {{#rollBetween() result 1 5}}Critical{{/rollBetween() result 1 5}} Success {{#rollBetween() result 96 100}}Fumble!{{/rollBetween() result 96 100}} </td> </tr> </table> </rolltemplate> Please focus on the bold text. A d100 is rolled and checked if it is under the current skill number of the character or not with the formula "{{result=[[{d100!}<@{selected|skill_name}]]}}" I am trying to make it so it shows "Success" by default and only show Critical and Fumble when the conditions are met. This is causing it to show Critical constantly when the equation of the result is true. I am thinking that this is due to the result returning a 1 or a 0 and rollbetween cannot see the actual d100's value. I thought of fixing this myself by using rollLess and rollGreater by referencing one of the above properties such as attr_num, however it seems roll templates do not have the ability to do that, any suggestions regarding this? example: {{#rollBetween() result 1 attr_num}}