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Bracket based Handout-Links in Char Sheets and Chat

Hi, when you put the name of a handout in [ ] brackets in another handout and save it, you'll get a link to that names handout. Thats pretty handy and very good to organize a lot of data. It would be great if these bracket-links can be achieved in charakter-sheet texts and the chat window as well. I'd rather have a link to an ingame-handout in the chat window, then a link to another website, when putting info text in some macro in the chat. Also it would be great if these links are generated in char-sheets too. (expert mode: when a handout-link is modified in a charsheet and sent to the chat via macro, use the modified link's name in the chat, i.e. [Spells_Fireball] gets reduced to "Fireball" Text/Link.) ;)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
If you creat the bracket link in a character sheet to a handout, you can right click it and copy the link. That link can be placed in a macro or chat like: [Fireball](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) Is that what you are wanting?
Hi Aaron, thanks for the answer. thats mostly, but not completely what I ment. I use the pathfinder char sheet in my campaign and in the description text windows, the automatic linking is not working. Linking via Macro and in Chat are working fine, thanks for that info. for the text windows in those char sheets it would be great if the [] - links are working too. I made handouts for all spells in german for that campaign and adding them via copy and paste of the link would be a lot of work (added to the allready done work)
I am wondering if this can be more plausible in some fashion with the addition of sheet workers.&nbsp; Since the handout can be linked in the bio tab of the character sheet.&nbsp; It would seem to me that with some sheet worker code you could create a faux button checkbox that would call the link of the handout.&nbsp; Thoughts anyone?
Marketplace Creator
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