One of the problems I'm encountering are some of my players like to jump on during the week to roleplay in the chat logs about our once a week game. This wouldn't be a bad thing if they just wanted to roleplay a little bit to establish some interaction between characters, but they seem to enjoy it to the point of making me read pages of back draft. I wouldn't be reading it, but one day they tried to role play something out that made no sense to me, as they decided in the middle of the week, buried in some obscure conversation, that one of them could do things they just weren't capable of doing, even for a few more levels. I understand that players may attempt to do things and the GM's discretion on whether or not to allow it, but when I said no, they said they did it before and it worked. It had occurred during the week in one of their role playing stories and the player was furious that I had not told them earlier. This is still continuing with different things as problems range from being able to heal after getting split in half, vertically, or the fact that one of them decided to have sex with a sentient rat. Now I don't want to discourage the role playing, but they continually try to do things they don't have the ability to do, or they summon NPC's to do stupid things with, so I was wondering if someone could think of a way for me to tell them, because again, I like that they want to roleplay, but they are doing it in a way I just can't approve of. They seem to think anything that happens in that role play above a 10 equals success, and even when I tell them about this problem, they continue to do it. TLDR; Players are doing stupid things in the chat logs and declaring them cannon, I tell them no, they insist upon doing it again later, how do I make it clear to them, I've already tried being blunt.