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1 Shot Pathfinder Tonight: Play As Goblins!


Edited 1433551568
A quick campaign where the players play as goblins of the Licktoad tribe. Tonight if we can gather up some interested players. Disgrace and misfortune!!! Big fool brought great unluck down on the Licktoads. What he do? Literacy! You heard me! His hut full of scribble books, and he even gave away parts of own soul by putting words down on paper. With his own hand! Clearly is taboo even to speak his name...just call him 'Scribbleface'. Hah! We sure scribbled his face good with that hot iron. But now we need redeem tribe from bad hoojoo, and nothing say goblin purity like a bunch of fireworks. And lucky we know just where to get some. You interested? Are pre-gen characters to choose from, or you make 20pt buy gob with only one trait (goblin racial trait), and maybe you come along for fun.
the pre-gens: (may also be viewed at this link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) Reta likes to torment small, harmless animals and usually has a pocket full of such creatures in case she gets bored. She finds it hard not to shout when she speaks, and loves taking risks in combat to scare her enemies. Sadistic Chuffy is horrible indeed. He loves to sneak up on his enemies and stab them. If he gets the chance, he also likes to light fires—lighting fires is Chuffy’s idea of great fun, almost as enjoyable as causing big explosions. Poog is a frightening little cleric of the goblin deity Zarongel, the sacred god of dog-killing, fire, and most holy mounted combat. That Poog isn’t very good at mounted combat is his not-so-secret shame, so he funnels most of his energy into attempts to overachieve at his god’s other sacred teachings—killing dogs (although he hasn’t yet killed one, he hopes to do so some day) and lighting fires (something that Poog is already pretty good at). Ten-year-old Mogmurch is deranged. Mogmurch lives with his mate Rempty, who has an irritating habit of licking his face clean in public (especially when he leaves the village). She thinks his use of alchemy is very clever, and while she loves the flavor Mogmurch’s experiments leave on his face, she worries that he’ll some day blow himself up when she’s not around to watch.
This sounds awesome and adorable. I wish I could play. Best of luck! I hope you enjoy it!

Edited 1433556930
Updated listing in LFP section. Here is a link to the forums. Post there, here, or send me a PM if you are interested in joining. New and vet players welcome. Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
bump, anyone else interested?
Is it too late to ask admittance? Also, are new players welcome &gt;_&lt;

Edited 1433589068
I never have an issue with new players. But yes, it's full and we had a blast. We're going to have to do a 2nd session because the drunken debauchery of a goblin bonfire party and dares ended up being too much fun. Poor Squealy Nord won't forget that night.