Thanks goes to The Aaron to pointing me in the direction to convert hex to hsl/hsv. He is an unending well of patience to help people.) [Script] Aura/Tint HealthColor GIT: <a href="https://gist.github.com/dxwarlock/5b38ea722a71e3d1b3d133deb5adbc79" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/dxwarlock/5b38ea722a71e3d1b3d133deb5adbc79</a> ----------------- UPDATE: After a long time away, I am back and trying to work out some of the 'kinks' people pointed out. Let me know if I missed any. Changelog: 0.9.41: If you update you will need to reset your settings. Its not a lot of work, but with the way I reassigned the namespace it will not know the old settings. Added option to toggle for 'one off' tokens. This is for tokens not linked to a character sheet. Use this option with caution. With it on it will not know what is a character and what is not. It will attempt to HealthColor ANY token with stats in the bar you choose to use. Good to use if you use a lot of one off mook/NPC tokens. Fixed odd sized auras on non ribbon pages : Was an issue where tokens set on any page other than the players was on, it was using the scale of the player ribbon page. Now it bases it off the scale of the page the token is on, not the players. Fixed namespace and resetting settings on reload (thanks @ DarKDinDoN ) Fixed PCset vs NPCset coding (Thanks @ Kirsty ) ------------ Commands: !aura Brings up a menu with toggle buttons: Script abilities: Global on and off setting. Set which bar is the one to track for the color representation of health. Show player/NPC tokens health by a gradient of red/yellow/green as aura or tint color. Set a percentage that this aura kicks in at. (so players wont know until X% how hurt something is) Show red 'X' on dead of NPC/PC. Play Sound on dead of NPC/PC. ( To use the death sound, just set it from 'none' to whatever the exact name of your death sound is in the jukebox, right now has to be a single word name). Set if GM can see NPC names. Set if GM can see PC names. Set if Players see NPC names. Set if Players see other Players names. Set aura size. ------------ This scripts relies on PC and NPC tokens to have a corresponding character sheet they are tied to as "represents" and that token assigned to the sheet, so it can differentiate between whats a mob/player and a random environment token. ----------------- This script sets the aura or tint of mobs and players to a gradient between green/yellow/orange/red based on how hurt they are. It will work on any amount of HP as it takes the max and the current. figures out the percentage left, and set the hue to the correct color..100% is green, 0 is red. other percentages are a hue based on that percentage. For example in my campaign, players cannot see enemy health bars, OR other players only their own. This lets them tell how badly hurt someone/something is without the age old tabletop "how badly hurt does it look" 20 times during an encounter. NON-PCs :It sets any mob/creature not assigned to anyone, and has a min/max on a bar to have an aura based on its damage taken vs total health as the larger outside aura, and the smaller inside to white (to help see it on some backgrounds and give it a sort of 'token base' effect). PCs: Same as above but inside ring set to their roll20/dice color. Here is an example image of various Ogres in different states of damage. Along with the players all at full health. The only 'issue' is since the auras are semi transparent, the health color alters the player color inside ring to a different color as they blend, no way around this I believe. What Players see: (What GM sees:) There is possibly some setup some GM or players use of players/NPC/PC/tokens with the bars/assigned to/controlledby that will have a weird side effect or throw errors in log that I haven't accounted for, if you have any issues let me know Ill try to account for it if I can.