Saevar - did you find anything that seemed to correct the issue? It looks like I'm running into the same problem, but focused on the PC tokens. The auras won't come on for them at all. NPCs, yes. PCs, no. Show On PC is set to Yes in the menu. I noticed that I'm getting this repeated error in the Console - "Token bar3 is linked" {"who":"error","type":"error","content":"Unable to find a player or character with name: HealthColors"} "Still working after trying to roll hp" {"name":"SyntaxError","expected":["\"(\"","\".\"","\"[\"","\"abs(\"","\"ceil(\"","\"d\"","\"floor(\"","\"round(\"","\"t\"","\"{\"","[ |\\t]","[+|\\-]","[0-9]"],"found":null,"message":"Expected \"(\", \".\", \"[\", \"abs(\", \"ceil(\", \"d\", \"floor(\", \"round(\", \"t\", \"{\", [ |\\t], [+|\\-] or [0-9] but end of input found.","offset":0,"line":1,"column":1} {"who":"error","type":"error","content":"There was an error with your formula. Please try again."} "Still working after trying to roll hp" "Token bar3 is linked" {"who":"error","type":"error","content":"Unable to find a player or character with name: Shaped"} and so on. It seems to appear whenever I adjust the HP of an NPC token (the aura still seems to be working on them despite the error). And it's been saying this in chat: (From Shaped): Token bar3 is linked ... which only shows up when I drop a new instance of a PC token onto the board. PCs and NPCs both use bar 1 for tracking hp. (I'm playing 5th edition and using the Shaped sheet). edit - I played around a bit more and discovered that the auras don't work on any token with player control (I verified that Show on PC was set to yes and toggled it a few times to make sure).