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rightsidebar allows highlighting

Sheet Author
API Scripter
When trying to drag a creature off the rightsidebar onto the map I often do not correctly grab the token and this is the result: This highlighting is very annoying and sometimes hard to get rid of. To fix this you can add the following css code to rightsidebar: -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; Could this be addressed in a future update?
Would it be possible to take some kind of video of this so I can see what you mean by it's hard to click on it? I can't replicate this on my end as everything seems to being working as normal (though yes, things can be highlighted). Removing the ability to highlight shouldn't be too hard but I want to make sure I understand what you mean about it being hard to click.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I mean the drag area can sometimes be missed. For instance if you have your mouse over the separating line and then try to drag you'll get this behavior. That seems to be the most consistent way of reproducing. Let me know if that doesn't work and I can make a video.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I can confirm this behaviour. I've regularly slightly missed the drag sweet-spot and ended up 'highlighting' the right side bar, a small annoyance but as Mark says it can be tricky to unselect the highlighted section.
Wouldn't adding that css make it so you can't select text in the chat too?

Edited 1435958990
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can put that css on more specific divs to avoid that. Based on how the tabs are setup to do this in a pure css way with no other changes it would be easiest to set that css on the rightsidebar and overwrite it on ".textchatcontainer". Or add classes to the other tabs and put it on them and ".tabmenu".
Would you mind making a gif? Or is it just clicking in the thin border that surrounds the entire right sidebar? The only place I can click to highlight that area is on the thin border otherwise it selects one of the icons at least on my end.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Youtube of it
I can't replicate it to work similar to how it is for you. It is much harder for me to highlight things on Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu both using Google Chrome. What browser and OS are you using? Does this happen in multiple browsers?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
8.1. Latest chrome. Didn't test ff.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tested firefox 39.0 - same behavior. You just have to grab right on the gray line. I can do it fairly easily so I assume the triggering area isn't that small.
Sheet Author
This happens for me as well. (win8.1, chrome 44.0.2403.61 beta-m (64-bit)), But only seems to happen around the Archived folders. Drag around by the row divider.(gray bar).

Edited 1436372728
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
We'll certainly look at adding the CSS to keep this from happening. As others have said, it will require a bit of a fine touch since adding it to the entire container would prevent things such as highlighting to copy + paste the names of things in the journal. This is just "one of those things" when it comes to web-based applications -- you have to go back and "fight" the browser a bit to make it understand you're building a web application and not just an article of text (which is what browsers are really originally designed to display).
At least you're not fighting IE css quirks.