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A Pen and Paper based on MOBAS

I am somewhat debating trying to make this system, and wondering if it's possible anyone got any suggestions. I would need to make a whole new system, but I do think this is doable. Any ideas be awesome, especially if you got experience of pen and paper, my fave system is Pathfinder, but it will completely different, so need to think. I need levelling, and limiting it to using four abilities. It's tricky, but reckon it's possible. What I got so far: Classes: Assassins – Tend to be squishy and rely often on speed although they tend to focus on one person for each kill, rather than doing damage on all. Carry – This is the strongest class late game and they rely on attack speed and often get the most kills of the opposing side. Unlike Assassins they aren't limited by their focus. Support – Their job is to buff, debuff and keep your team alive. They are often focused the most due the fact they prevent damage, or make the enemy weaker in various fashions. Tank – The hardest to kill and often has the most crowd control abilities to prevent the enemy escaping or doing extreme harm to the carry.
You might actually have an easier time using 4e as a model for your game, assuming you can come up with a way to generate a simple leveling schema since, honestly, using the standard experience system would be a massive hassle. you would need to simplify it to make it playable by people without having to stop to do math every time something die (I'd probably do it as flat values: 50 additional xp required for each level, so that it's 50 for level 2 and 100 for level 3, etc; NPCs grant a flat 1 experience and Players grant 5+levelx2 experience, so something similar). 4e already has the fundamental set up for your 4 roles: Strikers are your assassins (pick one target and blow them the hell up), Leaders are your support (it's actually explicitly what they do; they have explicit support abilities but even their at will attacks are designed to support as they deal damage), and Defenders are tanks (their tank auras lock down enemies they get adjacent to). There isn't an explicit carry since the roles/classes are designed to be balanced, but you could create class constructs that have better scaling as they level to account for this (pretty much a Striker that adds level to all damage, rather than +additional mod with a slight bonus or +1d6 per tier that other Strikers get). You wouldn't really have to change all that much, except for some of the powers for the roles (Defenders would likely need to get their encounters tweaked to be more control based than additional damage). As to the ability design, if you look at how the martial classes were built in the Essentials books, you've got a great model: there is a single encounter power that gets improvements while you level (increased damage die at certain levels, additional secondary effects with others). For each "class", you can create 2 encounters (each doing different things and progressing differently with level) and 1 daily (to represent the long CD), along with 2 at-wills (one to represent a basic attack and a second to represent a special, at will, attack). Furthermore, rather than using a downtime system, you could use a progressive recharge system where the player rolls a dice trying to get a specific number or higher (standard in 4e is rolling a d6 trying to get anywhere from a 4-6 depending upon the desired average use rate; the tweak would be modifying the dice roll be to a different dice, potentially, and providing a stacking bonus of +1-2 for every failed roll; the "encounters" could roll a d6 and require a 4+ whereas the "daily" could roll a d20 and require a 20+). Others could be predicated upon returning to base. For the combat system itself, you probably want to use a system without any attack rolls by default. The only rolls would be for specific mechanics: a passive that allows you to dodge basic attacks allows the defender to roll to avoid, a "skill shot" has to roll a d20 with specific listed chances (i.e. if it's a skill shot AoE cone, you roll a d20 for each target in the area and, on a 10+, you hit them; more powerful skill shots could require higher percentages), a passive that provides bonus crit damage would allow the user to roll to do said additional damage when making the attack. Mechanically, if you get rid of the tohit aspect, all you'd need to track would be hit points, bonuses to damage (split between magic and physical), and damage resistances (magic and physical) and simplify them by just making the bonuses/penalties flat reductions/increases. You could also include some interesting strategic benefits like floating bonuses to skill recharge rolls or flat bonuses to them. The only problem I could imagine would be the minions, since tracking that many tokens all the time could get *really* annoying, especially if they don't just die to a single hit (4e minion rule). All in all, you could do a surprising amount without all *that* much modification. Assuming the leveling/experience system wasn't too onerous it would play pretty efficiently too.
What you suggest seems like a lot of work, but it certainly has merit. I wouldn't attempt such a feat. Having two GM at the same time might lower the stress. It might also cause a considerable amount of confusing because my concept is have each GM control the minions for one side and switch every turn. It keeps the GMs from becoming bias about a particular side and active. Unless, because this would be set up player vs player most likely and bias is welcomed, then ignore the switching thing and keep with the two GMs. Gold also has to be flat valued when it comes to minions. I'll use League of Legends as an example since I'm familiar with it. There's a set amount for melee, caster, and siege minions. The tower destroyed and dragon killed gives everyone on the team 150 global gold, and the Baron Nashor gives 300 global gold. It makes keeping track easier if it's a set amount. As for players, you could consider having a chart to know how much gold you get upon killing another player's character or GM. That way the guy who died 10 times in a row is giving like 5 pieces of gold. Edit: That game would also use the Roll20 dynamic lighting very well. I don't know how it would work since you would have to block the each team from viewing the other. I've never used it before, but it just seems perfect for a MOBA style game.
Michael G. said: Having two GM at the same time might lower the stress. I wouldn't really want to have a GM for this type of game mainly because the primary conflict is player versus player, rather than player versus environment and it doesn't involve any kind of story. Honestly, it would probably work best as GM-less system where players are simply expected to follow the rules. If you want to avoid bias, you could actually have each side control their own minions every turn so that minions always act as an extension of their allied side. For NPCs, it would probably be best to just assign them a simple set of behaviors: if (player within X or player attacks minion) attack/move to attack nearest player, else move toward opposing base (or, for monsters, stand still). The problem with the NPCs crops up because of the sheer *number* of them you have to track. PnP games don't get anywhere *near* the same number of active entities as MOBAs do because you can't automate them. As such, it becomes a lot of work having to track/move each one when there are a huge number of them. I would also advise against creating a chart for gold reward for killing players. Having to look up a value every time just slows things down. If gold rewards for consecutive kills on a single player are desired, just make it something mathematically simple and formulaic, like dividing the standard gold reward by the number of consecutive kills (full, then half, then third, then quarter, then fifth, etc.).
Each player is also responsible for minions to? That eh...that seems...hmmm.  I understand the reasoning. I don't know what kind of MOBA system either. 3 lanes? If that's the case, then the quickest way is one player would be assigning control for each "wave" of minions. So one player controls top, another one middle, and another one bottom. Honestly, it would be better if you just played a MOBA. I just feel like after all the hard work put into it, the fun wouldn't equal all the labor. Maybe it will and I will be laughed at for thinking such thing, but I just have a bad feeling. MOBA has a lot of calculations going on, and the player doesn't have to remember all the numbers for it to be fun.