Just to kibitz here (as I have not yet had the opportunity to create a character and play in a game yet) I can see problems with the UVGI. As pointed out the light has to be able to reach the germs to be effective. This doesn't just mean scrubbing away any dirt that might provide cover but also opening every console, pulling up deck plates to get at what is underneath, etc. To be perfectly honest I'm not completely sure it is even possible to use UVGI to effectively decontaminate the ship. That said, I am sure that there are decontamination protocols and that they are listed in every 'starship manual' (i.e. ship's library) out there. Even if the characters were to lack the necessary knowledge (a not inconceivable event. Perhaps all spacers are required to demonstrate basic knowledge to get their licenses but then most promptly forget information that is almost never used and which can easily be looked up the same way I've forgotten all my high school Spanish) it should be accessible. What's more, ships are probably designed to facilitate the protocol. If the underside of deckplates are hard to get to then they are probably sealed. If the protocol involves the use of UVGI then there's quite possibly UV-C emitters inside of equipment that can't be sealed. I would imagine that life support probably has the capability of releasing germicidal agents into sealed areas as a standard part of their design. No one wants to be trapped for a week in J-Space in an enclosed canister were no one can reach them with a virulent infection. With all of that there are still several critical things. First, it is highly doubtful even with all this design that decontamination is a matter of punching a few buttons. Ships will be designed to facilitate decontamination but people are still going to need to carry out various activities, whether they are opening things, moving things, scrubbing things, etc.. Secondly, the Annic Nova is not an Imperium ship. It will probably have different protocols for decontamination.. These procedures might be similar to the procedures for Imperium ships but they won't be identical. This will translate to the ship design not fully accommodating the Imperium protocols. On the other hand it will accommodate protocols detailed in the Annic Nova's computers. Unfortunately those are written in an alien language. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, even though we can probably assume that the Annic Nova was designed with decontamination protocols in mind characters might want to consider the fact that these protocols apparently failed . Whether it is because the spores were just too tough, because the infection was able to spread before contamination became apparent, or for some other reason the original crew of the Annic Nova was unable to prevent the spread of the germs, and that should probably give the character's pause. That doesn't mean that it is impossible to decontaminate the ship. It just means that the characters will probably realize that it is an extremely up hill battle. Probably to be 'certified' as decontaminated you are looking at a multi-million credit operation where a crew of trained technicians systematically sterilize anything that can be sterilized, gut and replace anything that can't be reasonably sterilized, and then do swabs and culture growths of everything to verify the eradication of the microorganism.