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LFP - D&D 4e - Long term campaign. GMT evenings (usually a Wednesday)

I am looking for a player to join in a long term campaign that is about to hit it's 5th session. I will need to have a talk with the player about the setting and story so far before I bring them in. Player must choose and build their character and back story, with me, in a pre-game session because the story is already in motion. Player must choose the 'Good' or 'Lawful Good' alignment. Semi-serious to serious role-play style is required. No Lollers! Only ONE spot available! Maybe two...
I might be interested, gimme a shout.
i'll join
I sent you a personal message. I'd be very interested in joining depending on what time you play. I have DnD, 4E, Roleplaying and roll20 experience.  Thanks, Sitruk
No longer looking for players - Thanks for your interest