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How to send a message without knowing it.

My game has a solitary dice roll macro that compounds inline rolls to hide all modifiers. I don't want my players replicating the macro and just putting their preferred number in the inline brackets, so I was hoping to add a little line to the end of the macro that calls a script for verification. Here's the gist of what I'd like to put in the macro: /em rolls the dice! Skill: [[ [[?{Modifier|0}+1d20]] ]] !confirm ?{Modifier} That way the gm gets a secret confirmation that cheating isn't happening... plus a constant reminder of what the players' stats and modifiers are. The trick is that I don't want the players to know they're sending it. It'll just go automatically when they hit the button. Is there a simple script that can do this?
Sheet Author
I know you don't want your players to know you're verifying, but in the meantime between now and when someone (*coughaaroncough*) can help you out then you could just put in a GM whisper. /em rolls the dice! Skill: [[ [[?{Modifier|0}+1d20]] ]] /w gm ?{Modifier}
Alicia G said: (*coughaaroncough*) Don't you bother him. He's busy writing a script to create world peace and balance the budget. Once he's done there, I'm gonna have him write some API to help me out with women. So, he has his hands full right now.
@Alicia Because I play with some sneaky devils. Yup. I've got the whisper for now. But a whisper can be replicated. And players are clever. Aaron usually finds me eventually but I'm not banking on it. This seems simple enough, hopefully.
use the blind roll script <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... then use: /w GM Bozo is picking pockets ?{who?|oops nevermind} 55% !broll 1D100&lt;55 Only the GM sees the roll.
DK Heinrich
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
get new friends if these cheat that badly. seriously.
@al e. But it still sends a global notification that a roll is being sent. Can it be turned off? @DK Heinrich No.

Edited 1436554079
Sheet Author
Try commenting out / removing: sendChat(msg.who, "Blind roll sent to GM &lt;br/&gt;&lt;small&gt;(" + roll + ")&lt;/small&gt;.");
// API COMMAND HANDLER on("chat:message", function(msg) { if (msg.type !== "api") return; if (msg.content.split(" ", 1)[0] === "!confirm") { sendChat(msg.who, "/w GM " + msg.content.split(" ")[1]); } });
The Aaron
API Scripter
I'm helping a friend move to Chicago this weekend or I'd be all over this. :) HB has a script for you, but your "Clever" players will just adjust only the roll and not the script. I'd suggest turning this problem on its head and have them only provide the script with the modifier and have it perform the roll and give both of you the results.