Not sure where this question fits, API or here so asking... So I want to build handouts and be able to pop them on the screen from the chat window. Example: I have a Handout for a spell say Light with a spellcard and all the details of light. I want to just be able to call that from the Chat window and have it show on the screen as if I clicked on it from the navigation. I also might have a handout with details of an item, area, etc... I would be able to type a command with the handout name and show the handout on screen. Very quick access and no navigating looking through all my journal entries. Anyone know how to do this? In the example below I have a table with Light spell and a corresponding handout. I can open the book and click Light and up pops the card. What I want is to be able to type [Light] or something like that in the chat and have the handout display without clicking anything.