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Token Searching Gets Poor Results

When searching for Tokens in the Art Library, I am getting results that are much worse than I have received in the past. I have the search set to only search Tokens, but am getting a lot of map results as well. Also, the results I am getting do not match after the Premium Assets. For example, when searching for "dragonborn", I used to get a lot of results for various dragonborn character top-down images. Now, the first 3 results are maps, the next image is a human with a spear, the next is a female human innkeeper, the next is a ninja, and then the results start over again with the 3 maps. This loops ad infinitum. I am using Chrome version 43.0.2357.130m on Windows 8.1. I can attach screenshots as needed.

Edited 1436826936
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hello Mark. I tried to recreate your search "dragonborn" with token set only. The few tokens I got are definitely dragonborn from the marketplace ( I starred a few of them from before) and then the others are "from the web" which is mostly ruled by how google does their searches (the search engine is google powered). I will toss this up the chain for the devs to look at.
Yeah, the marketplace results are still pretty good. It's only the web results that are bad. I wouldn't think so much of it if it hadn't worked so well before. What once was a great feature is now all but useless. :(
Some of those assets are more than likely taken down as free and moved, by the actual creators, to the market place. Some of the collections that used to be available in a search are now offline for other reasons. Oddly enough, the human with a spear, the inn keeper and the ninja are all in a directory over at RPGMapShare with the first entry being Dragonborn 2, which DOESN"T show up. That's weird.
Exactly, Chris. And this sort of thing WAS working only a few months ago. So something changed, and with that kind of behavioral oddity, I have to wonder if it's a parsing error.
I do notice it will repeat a lot of the same pictures, sometimes several times in a row.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Google made a massive change to their search algorithm recently. It's likely that this is what has affected the results so drastically.
It's been doing the repeating pictures thing ever since release. It's why I don't even bother using search in Roll20. I just store all my stuff on my computer in folders and search there.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Mark R., As you say the Marketplace part of the image search is working fine and it is the Google section of the results which has changed, the only thing that can be done at this time is acknowledge this as an issue. Roll20 doesn't have control over the results that Google shows for search terms, unfortunately. I wish I had better news for you.