Posted in this thread is a list of available missions for interested mercenary units, varying from peaceful humanitarian to military support to combat missions. A few may be time-sensitive. Return here to peruse and select missions based on where and when Artemis is currently located. 13. Deep Penetration: Eventually Dame Cannagrrh will be recalled by her magazine to report in, attend journalism interviews, nominations for field journalism awards and social functions. But with the Fifth Frontier War in full swing, no Imperium line wants to travel Coreward so near the 40th Squadron and Kfourzeng corsairs territories. She will hire a merc vessel to take her all the way Coreward to the Society of Equals in Gvurrdon Sector. Pay: 1 MCr from Kfan Uzangou with deductions if the reporter, her attache and Witness are harmed or injured in the journey. Single mission only. Interlude: Kfan Uzangou wants the Dame to scout territory for a Spinward Marches distribution office of the magazine translated into Galanglic. She has decided on Regina. The Ticket can be renegotiated for a three day stopover in Regina/Regina for her and Witness to represent the magazine. This Mission Ticket was completed by Gevaudan on 270-1110. 14. Oberlindes Lines needs a mediocre escort for its subsidized liners during the Fifth Frontier War since all Scout ships and all Naval vessels are now conscripted and in service to military maneuvers. Oberlindes taps sector mercs for security escort vessels. Danger: Medium Pay: Medium. Repeatable until TAS drops Spinward Marches from Amber to Green travel advisory. Update: In the closing moves of the Fifth Frontier War, Oberlines Lines continues to post for escort duties for its liners in the face of competing Vargr corporations such as Gvaeknoks (tr: Wonderworkers). In the post-War, Oberlindes continues to focus its attentions into Gvurrdon Sector. 23. A salvage Patron on La'Belle ( Spinward Marches 2416) going by the fixer name of 'Patronus' is offering a salvage/repossession rescue/investigation mission. The catch: the target is suspected somewhere in the Abyss of Lanth Subsector. GM's warning: though there is no in-character time limit to completing this mission, this mission is best completed before end of Fifth Frontier War. This is a module length adventure. ASS has learned through legwork that Patronus is the fixer's actual name and that he has a daughter, named Jenny Patronus who is in college and majoring in business administration - possibly being groomed to take over her father's Search and Recovery operation. The target vessel is rumored to be a freighter named Box Cutter and disappeared around two years ago from 1108 and was not seen in port since. 24. A wildcatter mining interest is seeking to stake a claim at Bael ( Spinward Marches 0218). But the target world is outside any polity space. Security services needed for the small mining flotilla. Escort and patrols needed. Job security ensured from 1109 to around 1111. 28. Darrian Confederation Ticket: Secret (Secret) mission to explore the vector and distance of the diminishing, discovered wormhole (presumed Dangerous) in DARRIAN (0627), log its exit via Astrogation, scout environs and survey local space, then return to Daryen to turn in findings to the Special Arm for analysis. Unknown recovery options. Options to use Darrian Thengg-class Military Scout ship crewed by competent explorers. 30. Overhead Rumor: Some small-time belter claims to have spotted a new and strange deposit of gemstones on 567-908 ( Spinward Marches 1031) that no one seems to have previously discovered. The belter's name or codename is Mtume Denali and is unaffiliated with Ling Standard Products (LSP) also mining in District 268. This mission. Is only available in 1110. 31. Monkeywrench: 2700 second-class Vargr on Walston ( Spinward Marches 1232) have no upward mobility on a TL 7 world and are held down by the man, 300 Humans of an Imperium Client State settled around an IISS Scout Base. Patron wants a dead-drop shipment of arms, armor, ammo, and communications gear delivered to the Vargr ghettos. 32. Infiltrate The Corsairs: Patron wants an odd-ball, mercenary group to join a band of Corsairs on the Gvurrdon - Spinward Marches border after the Fifth Frontier War, post 100-1110, to evaluate the strengths of the remaining assets the Corsairs possess after the War and going forward. Some espionage, stolen assets recovery, Intelligence gathering and sabotage are possible sub-missions. Dangerous. Secret. Patron is polity-backed. 33. Slavery Ring: Carefully extracted missives hidden inside the X-boat Mail delivery network have eluded to a possible, illegal slavery ring inside Lunion Subsector involving worlds: Ianic (1924), Resten (2323) and an un-named, third world. Patron wants to meet on Lunion/Lunion to scout the slavers, learn about their wares, the location and details of their slave market, and finally locate the un-named destination world. Bonus pay to those who put a halt to the slavery ring, but not required. Media coverage not allowed until after the triangle trade is disrupted for good. Dangerous. Secret. Patron is polity-backed and reputable. Mission available only 1109-1115. Recovery options upon negotiation. Special Incentives automatically available. 34. Izelande Chromesinger: The Marches first cybernetic Entertainer, featuring her angelic vocals, music, and holographic visuals, is on tour. Such is the demand for this rising one-woman, sensory salad bar that she needs hefty protection as she tours subsector capitals. Medium threat. Special incentives plus copy of the new album "Ikthylandia". Corporate backed label. Passenger, manager, technicians, 12 dT of equipment. Ticket available after 120-1110. 35. 213th and 214th Fleet Attachment: Immediately after the Fifth Frontier War, a few worlds including Beater of the Sword World Confederation declared their independence to form as the Border Worlds Confederation. Join your vessel with an Imperium flotilla of your choice in its mission to bring badly needed Administrators, Advocates, Noble volunteers, Advisors, Diplomats, and many other Careers to Beater and its newest member worlds. Emissaries, Envoys can find work at each world to ratify its membership and help acknowledge the Border World Authority. It is the hopes of the Imperium that this fledgling polity will be the buffer badly needed to mend the rift between the Third Imperium and its neighbors so close in the wake of the War. Tour of patrols from Lunion subsector into the Sword Worlds subsector. System, orbital and planetside sub-missions available. Dangerous. Patron is polity-backed. Special incentives. Licenses granted. Sensitive Passengers. Military Careers most welcome to sign up. This ticket is only available after the Fifth Frontier War and until 1111 when the Border Worlds are acknowledged.