<a href="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation</a> This is for Pathfinder (which is DnD 3.55, basically...) so you can use this on 3.5 too, the biggest difference being skills, which you will get 4x the starting amount of. Also, the races only get one of the bonuses to ability (since you've already chosen race, I guess you have control on that). Some of the classes have gotten bumped the HP-die, so check your class if it's the same or one step down. Also, the last steps are not as thorrough, but if you have a character sheet in front of you, it's probably not needed to have very much details, since the character sheet basically tells you what it exists of. If you need any help, PM me, Phisto, or simply ask here. The reason I linked Pathfinder, is because that's a guide I knew where was, and there's not much of a difference :-)