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Losing token permissions

I need some help. I created a splash page for my game. Then I went in a created all the PC’s. I set all the permissions for them and added them to the splash page. They worked as expected. The players could move, update, see the nameplates, etc. I then went to a new map and dropped the tokens on the new map from the journal page. All the permissions were then lost.  Not sure if I’m doing something wrong. It really slows things down having to redo all the permissions every time I move drag the tokens to a new map. I’m guessing this is user error, but if someone could tell me what I’m doing wrong it would help. Chris
Roll20 Team
Do the journal entries have the same permissions set to them? If a player has permission to a character journal, the player should be able to drag their character to the table and plop their token down with the appropriate permissions.
I will need to verify that, but I'm pretty sure they are. I'm running tomorrow, so we will be able to test it then.
Forum Champion
My guess, you set up the journal default token before you set the permissions on the token(s).   You need to completely set up the token then make it the default token in the journal.  - Gauss
That makes sense. I'll need to check that tonight. Thanks for the help.