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[LFG/DM] D&D 5e - Weekday Evening GMT

Hi all, Thanks for taking the time to look at our post. I represent a group of 3 who are looking to find a 5th Edition D&D game to play in, as we're at opposite ends of the country but still want to play together! We're looking to find a group/DM to create a story alongside; we're all huge fans of story-driven roleplay where you can really get invested in the world and characters (although fighting and high-stakes never hurts either!). As such we're hoping to find someone looking for an ongoing campaign that we can all build together over time and make a great story and memories. Ideally it would be a homebrew campaign/setting as unfortunately I've read through the 5e modules as inspiration for my own, offline campaign! We're all located in England so would be looking for something that works in GMT. Weekends are often a bit hit and miss so an evening amongst Monday-Thursday would be best. I'll let the others introduce themselves and we'll give you some information on our levels of experience, play-styles, etc. We've also got some character ideas/backgrounds we were hoping to play that hopefully might give you some insight into whether we'd work well together! Thanks again, James
Location: Warwickshire, England Age: 25 Sex: Male Experience: I have been roleplaying for almost 15 years with a number of editions of D&D (3rd, 3.5, 4th, Pathfinder) as well as currently DMing my own 5th Edition campaign (and some other non-5e campaigns in the past). I've also played a number of other systems: GURPS, Alpha Omega, Deathwatch and Paranoia. I haven't played using Roll20 before but have been playing around with it to get to grips with it. Character: Milo Underbrush, Male Halfling Warlock Backstory: Milo Underbrush was a precocious youth. Always getting into fights and relying on his honeyed-tongue to get him out of trouble he was the cause of much eye-rolling from his cousin, Moira Bramblebrush. But when she was called up to study in the shrine of Yondalla, Milo was the second through the doors, determined to accompany her on this journey. Whilst Moira excelled in her studies, Milo found, for the first time in his life, that his way with words was not enough. Years of failure went by and Milo was given an ultimatum: show better promise or leave the shrine. So Milo did what he had always done; took the easy way out. Turning to the darker areas of his studies, Milo made a deal with a powerful being to give him the knowledge he needed. Or so he thought. But the deal did not end there and Milo found himself unwittingly bound to this creature and granted powers he had not anticipated or wanted. When he was found out, the punishment was swift and severe. He was banished from the village, shunned by his family and friends. Angered and ashamed, he set out into the world on his own. However, he did not anticipate the unwavering loyalty of Moira who, determined to save his soul, took it upon herself to be his guardian. With a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye, Milo has swerved from one mishap to the next, dragging an exasperated Moira behind him. His talents and gifts, as begrudged as they are, have allowed him to ply his skills in the... more shadowy areas of society. Through this he seeks to show that he can succeed on his own, but will never admit that he would be crushed if Moira gave up on him.

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Hey everyone, I'm Tom! I hope that you consider our characters in your story, and I hope to hear from you all soon! :D Location: Merseyside, England Age: 19 Sex: Male Experience: Pretty much 0 experience with D&D - I've played casually with friends and I'm not new to Roleplaying, but this would be my first proper campaign! Character: Grimhart Ironside, Male Dwarven Paladin. Backstory: As a child Grimhart Ironside was whisked away from his parents in the night, and sold into slavery. Growing up to be a muscled Mountain Dwarf he made his living mining precious stones in the outer reaches of the world. He was abused by his slavers, leaving many scars across his chest and back. Grimhart would be damned if died here, never tasting stout ales and eating vast banquets - he incited a rebellion among the slaves, who fought tooth and nail to escape from the nightmarish pits. He and a handful of men made it out, but he never forgot those who didn't, vowing he would return for them, and to seek revenge against his slavers. Grimhart set about travelling South, to one of the Great cities where he began his quest for vengeance, he wanted to punish those who harmed the weak, the innocent and the arrogant - he would meet an old Paladin whose intrest he had piqued, where he was invited to join the Paladin order, but he was first to prove himself. After year training at the institute, he set off on his quest to exact his vengeance against those that had wronged him. He was on the road when he discovered a caravan with belongings strewn across the road, there lay two corpses, freshly dead, still bleeding when he was ambushed by 3 bandits. He fought valiantly and with great fury with his rage at his side, he managed to defeat these men, but gravely wounded, he stumbled down the cobbled road and succummbed to the darkness. He was awakened by a halfling, with a kind heart and a skilled pair of hands she had healed him, she had given him a second chance to fulfill his desire for vengeance, he owed her his life, and as such he would protect her with all his might, never forgetting the compassion she had shown him that day.
Hi everybody! I'm Aimee, and I'll be playing the party cleric, Moira Bramblebrush! Thanks for taking the time to read this - I hope you enjoy the backstory we've written for our characters, I'm excited to play D&D alongside James and my brother, Tom. I hope to hear from you, and look forward to creating a story together! :) Location: London, England Age: 23 Sex: Female Experience: I'm currently playing in an ongoing D&D 5E campaign entering its third month, and have previously played a number of short campaigns in 5E, 3.5 and Call of Cthulhu settings. I'm new to Roll20, but I've done a lot of research into using the system so hopefully that won't be an issue! Character: Moira Bramblebrush, Halfling Cleric Backstory: Since a young age, Moira Bramblebrush rejoiced in each day spent in her village, revelling in the community and good times she shared with her friend and kinsman, Milo Underbrush. Together, the mischievous pair shared many a misadventure, but this all changed when she was called to service at the shrine of Yondalla. For the first time, Moira truly excelled at something, and delighted in the study of the healing arts and the worship of her goddess. She was held high among her fellow acolytes, and her devotion was such that she elected to begin study as a cleric, so as to better honour the glory of Yondalla. However, distracted by the joy she found in nurturing others and the diligence of her study, she failed to notice her cousin’s struggles, and was overwhelmed with sorrow when he was expelled from the village. Ignoring the warnings of the priests, she interrupted her training to strike out after Milo, determined to redeem him… and restore her own honour. Unwavering in service to Yondalla, she healed the sick and aided the vulnerable wherever she could, taking care to always remind them in whose name she served, much to the chagrin of Milo. One such unfortunate who struck a chord with Moira was the dwarf, Grimhart Ironside, a paladin she found broken and bleeding along the roadside. Inches from death, Moira unhesitatingly saved his life despite facing much scorn from her cousin for doing so. Moira spent weeks nursing the dwarf back from death’s door, selflessly determined to restore another living being. Expecting no reward, she was surprised when she found herself a firm friend and ally in Grimhart; unquestioningly loyal and resolved to repay Moira’s kindness through word and deed. Set upon a path beset by suffering and despair, Moira brought it upon herself to protect and aide those in need, and there are none judged so deserving of aid as her unwitting Warlock kinsman. Bound to his side through blood and nostalgia for a childhood lost, her secret shame is the doubt she holds in her heart that Milo may never truly be redeemed.
All of you, welcome to the community. I run two 5e games a week that are full,  1 US Thu nights EST, 1 UK Wed Nights GMT, but these seem like very cool, well thought out characters, and I have hope someone will be able to accommodate your small group.

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I'm a 32 year old DM whose been playing for many years. &nbsp;Over the past couple of years I haven't played much as my traditional gaming group drifted apart due to jobs and kids and what not. &nbsp;Reading the module Princes of the Apocalypse I found it great bones for a sandbox style adventure. &nbsp;An off the rails let the players explore it at their leisure. &nbsp;It can be a bit dungeon crawlly in later levels, but overall I thing it is fairly free of choo choo tracks. I tried to get a roll20 game going from another online community but only had 1 of five who expressed interest show up for the game at the appointed time. &nbsp;Disappointing. So I decided to open up my recruiting to Roll20.&nbsp; I just today made the LFG posting here&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;You sound like a good group of friends I'd love to DM. &nbsp;The gods situation would be a bit different though.
Hi, I sent you a private message.
James J. said: All of you, welcome to the community. I run two 5e games a week that are full,&nbsp; 1 US Thu nights EST, 1 UK Wed Nights GMT, but these seem like very cool, well thought out characters, and I have hope someone will be able to accommodate your small group. Thanks for the warm welcome! The community does seem fantastic (even from my limited lurking!) and we hope to be able to get more involved with it.
Patrick said: I'm a 32 year old DM whose been playing for many years. &nbsp;Over the past couple of years I haven't played much as my traditional gaming group drifted apart due to jobs and kids and what not. &nbsp;Reading the module Princes of the Apocalypse I found it great bones for a sandbox style adventure. &nbsp;An off the rails let the players explore it at their leisure. &nbsp;It can be a bit dungeon crawlly in later levels, but overall I thing it is fairly free of choo choo tracks. I tried to get a roll20 game going from another online community but only had 1 of five who expressed interest show up for the game at the appointed time. &nbsp;Disappointing. So I decided to open up my recruiting to Roll20.&nbsp; I just today made the LFG posting here&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;You sound like a good group of friends I'd love to DM. &nbsp;The gods situation would be a bit different though. Hi Patrick, Thanks for reading our post and taking the time to reply to us! I share your pain of gaming groups drifting apart; as we said before, that's one reason why Roll20 seems so perfect! Unfortunately, the time of your sessions wouldn't work for us (it's showing up as Thursday Noon our time) due to constraints of jobs and study. Also, I've unfortunately read PotA myself for my own homebrew campaign so know most of the ins and outs! Which is a shame as it's a very well-written campaign. I wish you the best of luck in finding a group though; there definitely seems to be a shortage of DMs to players on Roll20 so I'm sure there'll be plenty of responses! Thanks, James