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Central Time Pathfinder GM Ready and Willing to Teach Brand New Players

Hey guys, my name's Gray and I've been a GM of 3.5 for about a decade now, only having switched to Pathfinder in the last year. I'm looking for new players that want to be introduced to the game- because a new players first experience can easily sour their outlook on the game in general if it goes poorly. I'll gladly help you build your character and run you a small quest to start you off. If you show promise, I may also contact you in the future for a full fledged campaign. For the next two weeks, I'm largely available most anytime, so if you're looking to take your first steps into the world of tabletop, leave me a message and we'll get connected on Skype. 
Hey, I've been interested in getting into PF, I've done some 5E and 4E casually, so I'm not completely new to RPG's, but I'd like to get to know the PF system.
I'm interested but kind of run on a tight schedule
I'm also fairly certain that I can bring another guy to the table
Great, guys. Well, if you'll both PM me your Skype info, we'll get everyone together and try and work out a time that works for the most people. 
Hey Gray! First of all thanks for doing this for newbies, and if there is a slot I would like to join!
I would like to give Pathfinder a shot.  I never played it before.  I've only played 4ed a couple of times, other than that, haven't had a chance to play any tabletop RPG's.
I double checked with a buddy of mine and he's in.
Catherine C.
Marketplace Creator
I've played 4e for a couple years and I've been trolling for a Pathfinder game recently.  I have and have read the pathfinder core rulebook, but I haven't had any practice.  I'd like to join and would appreciate help getting into practice.
if you need another player read my profile i can make adjustments to her if you're interested shoot me a message i'm good most any night after 5 central time